We create our own reality according to our mindset, feelings and beliefs. Perhaps you’ve have heard or read this somewhere before. This will not connect with you until you take a close look at your life in relation to your foremost thoughts and constant feelings. If you are brave enough to really look, you will see that your life is a reflection of your dominant thoughts. You must realize that your life and your dominant thoughts are inseparable.
Everyone creates thought patterns in their subconscious minds, and the byproducts of these thoughts are emotions and feelings in our bodies. Therefore, if we are generating negative thought patterns, then we are in a constant state of unease and unhappiness, living unfulfilled lives. We are subconsciously creating limiting beliefs.
What Are Limiting Beliefs?
I couldn’t find a formal definition for limiting beliefs, probably because one doesn’t exist. Simply put, limiting beliefs are beliefs that limit us. We’ve all heard them before or at least witnessed those who exhibit limiting belief behavior. I am not lucky; I will never get married; I can’t lose weight, etc. There is a quote by Henry Ford that I love, which applies to limiting beliefs as well as the opposite of limiting beliefs, affirmations. The quote is “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.”
When we take responsibility for our lives as our own creation, it starts the process of breaking away from our limiting beliefs. Be appreciative of each step that you take on this transformational journey, because appreciation brings about a positive mental state.
It takes a conscious effort to break limiting beliefs and old negative thought patterns, which is why most people never succeed at doing so. The journey into self-awareness will take you onto an unmistakable path of not only identifying your thought patterns, but of also acknowledging the effects that they have on your physical being.
How To Break Away From Limiting Beliefs
There are four necessary steps that one must take in order to break away from their limiting beliefs. It is recommended that the steps and responses are written down. Once these are written down, one should look at it from time to time and make adjustments as needed.
Step 1: Identify The Issue
What particular event in your life is causing you to feel negative emotions such as anger, fear, resentment, sadness, etc? Be detailed.
Step 2: Acknowledge Your Thoughts And Beliefs About This Issue
How do you feel about this problem? Are you frustrated? Are you upset? Are you angry or fearful? How is this problem opposite from the way you want things to be? You must really acknowledge what you think about the situation.
Step 3: Realize The Byproducts Of Your Beliefs
What emotions do you feel from these beliefs and thoughts? What type of action do you take as a result of these emotions? How do you feel from these emotions, beliefs, thoughts and actions?
So far you have acknowledged the problem, identified the beliefs and thoughts about the problem, and realized the negative emotions that are causing harm to your well-being. Although the beliefs, thoughts, emotions and actions may be justifiable in your case, that is not the objective of this exercise. We are not looking to justify our current condition! We are looking to improve it! We are looking to break away from our limiting beliefs. Therefore, let’s move onto step four…
Step 4: Remove The Limiting Beliefs
Removing the thoughts and actions that created your limiting beliefs takes practice. Simply asking yourself one question like “Does it make me feel happy and healthy to keep thinking these thoughts and taking these actions?” will set you on the right path in order to let it go, and decide to think better, and to feel better.
Remember that beliefs are only thoughts that we keep thinking. So we must decide to make it a habit to create positive patterns of thought if we want to break away from limiting beliefs.