Not a day goes by when I sit with my cup of afternoon tea and a computer and words flow seamlessly from my mind into the white blank screen. While the new world likes to wax eloquent about the health benefits of tea; I take a deep breath, a sip of my brewed concoction and in the process, steal a moment from an otherwise absolutely busy life. For me brewing and then having tea is not about getting healthy, its about living life in the moment. Its about living life in the deepest recesses of your mind and with yourself. Its about taking a break from life that has no “stops”. 

The process of preparing the humble brew is as important as sipping it in, albeit slowly. 

The beverage needs to be prepared immaculately to have the perfect nirvana moment. As you let the water boil, brew your cuppa with multiple spices. Add ginger and black pepper if you want the kick in the throat moment. Have it with cinnamon if you want a milder, sweeter moment and with crushed cardamom if you want a spicy “your’s” moment. You can choose and pick your spices and let them dance their flavor into the water.

Smell the aroma as you pop your face into the steam. Add some tea levels and let it brew till you get the perfect blackish hue. Whats amazing is that “perfect” is defined by you and only you. Let it boil and boil and boil. 

In the country I come from, tea is equivalent to “me time”. When you have nothing better to do, let yourself revel in the moment with just one company – your humble brew. 

As the water boils, I spend some time watching it rise and fall, much like life. The chaotic cosmic dance of the tea leaves in the saucepan, much like the universe itself. 

And as you delve into the moment, pour your tea into your favorite cup. Watch the steam leave the cup and in that moment, try and let go of all that holds you back. 

Read a book or listen to music or stare at a blank screen or much better, share that moment with a friend.

Originally published at


  • 15 years of her life Shilpi had been a corporate professional trying to manage her mindfulness with the hardiness of the Finance and the transformation world. She has worked pan Asia and US. After realizing the serious lack of emotional intelligence and empathy in existing capitalistic models and leadership across companies, she quit her job where she worked as a transformation lead directly reporting to the CEO. She felt the major gap in organization stem from the gap in today's education in providing serious Social and Emotional Learning to children. As a Mindfulness practictioner she chose to integrate her learnings with SEL to bring it to education. Her endeavor, Fablefy aims at bringing Mindfulness superpower to children. Shilpi believes that stories connect and stories create. Using the power of storytelling she wants to bring bite sized animations and books that can be integrated into the school curriculum or a parent's day with their children. Her goal is to make Mindfulness accessible to communities at large anywhere, anytime in the globe. She is a mother of two and her children embody her spirit.