The hardest thing I’ve had to overcome was breaking bad habits. My mom was a single parent, and as kids we didn’t have much. We’d eat mostly fried food. Now I’m 44; I’m married with two children, and I wasn’t eating well. I was in a fender bender in 2019 and I had to have shoulder surgery. I gained weight and that resulted in knee and back pain. Last year, I weighed 285 pounds and I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. I knew only I could change, so I downloaded the Thrive app.
My wife, Keri, and I are doing intermittent fasting.
It really works for us. We make dinner together and whoever isn’t cooking does the washing up. We make salmon or chicken in the airfryer. I used to hate broccoli and brussels sprouts but I did some research on TikTok, and now we roast them in the oven which makes them crunchy. And we look forward to them every day.
Our four-year-old, Logan, likes to help us cook.
She’ll stir and help me season. And what’s great is that she’s learning a much healthier style of cooking than I was exposed to.
I plan my meals and take my lunch in to work.
It could be leftovers like salmon and veggies. I go to the park and eat at the picnic table under the trees, instead of eating in a rush.
I love Microsteps — changing one small habit at a time really works.
I used to be stationary at my desk all day. So I started walking 1000 steps a day, and I progressed from there. Now I sometimes walk 11 thousand steps a day. Keri and I walk around our neighborhood in the evening. We take our dogs, Jack and Gemma, and Logan likes to hold the leash.
Because I have more energy, I’m trying new activities.
I’m going to the gym, and I just took a scuba diving class, which was amazing. My 14-year-old son, Connor, is already certified, and he wanted us to dive together. For our first adventure, in June, we’re going to The Outer Banks in North Carolina. The area was a hotbed for pirates back in the day, and there’s a bunch of shipwrecks. I’m so excited, I’m like a kid at Christmas.
I’ve lost 45 pounds, and I’m pain free.
I always had some kind of ache before. Now I can move easily at work, whether I’m filling online orders, packing clothing, or moving boxes. It’s boosted my morale and the morale of our team. I’m a better leader and I’m inspiring others to start the Thrive Challenge and make better choices. People are getting salads for lunch instead of pizza!
I’m having meaningful conversations with associates.
Normally if someone needed to talk to me, I’d call them on the phone. Now I’ll walk over to chat to them in person. One person had a medical emergency in her family and needed to leave. And instead of getting cover for her, I did her job myself.
After work, I used to go home and sit on the couch.
Now we’re always outside and Logan has my full attention. Yesterday there were eight kids playing in our backyard. Logan loves blowing bubbles. And I love to see her moving and having fun with the neighbors.
I’m thoroughly enjoying doing yard work.
We bought our house two years ago and we’re redoing the entire garden. We dug everything up in front of the house. We’ve planted large yellow lilies and tulips, and we’re waiting for them to bloom. Being able to get on my hands and knees in the dirt is great.
Keri and I are spending time together.
We love to explore cities. We went to Chicago for a long weekend. Going to the theater is our thing now. We saw a production of The Color Purple and a version of Dolly Parton’s 9 to 5.
I feel amazing.
I have a can-do attitude versus always looking at the negatives. This journey isn’t just about losing weight, it’s about making better decisions in my life. It’s like being in a different world. I used to be exhausted, but now, oh man, I feel alive.
— Brice Driggers- Distribution Center #6014, Laurens, SC; $5K Winner