My conversation with Tom Tierney, co-founder of Bridgespan and former CEO of Bain & Company

“We have more to learn from each other than we think.”

— Tom Tierney

I host a weekly radio show on SiriusXM 111, Business Radio Powered by Wharton, called Work and Life. We publish edited versions of my conversations as free podcasts. I invite you to listen to the episode (embedded below) that is my conversation with Tom Tierney, who is former CEO of Bain & Company and co-founder of The Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit management consulting firm that assists other nonprofits. He is chairman of the board at eBay and serves on the The Hoover Institution’s board and on the Harvard Business School Board of Dean’s Advisors. Tom is also a successful writer; his most recent book is Give Smart: Philanthropy that Gets Results.

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I call Tom “the Bono of leadership” and that’s why I featured him in my most recent book, Leading The Life You Want. In our conversation we explore the habits Tom has developed to be successful in all domains of life: work, family, community, and self. Learn from a master how to separate what is important in life from what is urgent and steps you can take to prioritize the big picture. By making smarter choices, asking deeper questions, and courageously pursuing unique personal goals, Tierney shows how to lead the life you want.

Originally published at