Everybody realises that a healthy body is pivotal to long lasting prosperity. Be that as it may, it’s essential not to disregard mental wellbeing while we’re progressing in the direction of good wellbeing.
All things considered, the body and the mind can work together. To do this, we must focus on our minds and maintain our physical wellbeing to build the right clarity and energy we need in our lives to feel and look awesome for our entire life.
Today, I am sharing 5 ways that you can build a thriving mindset to enable you to develop your most brilliant self. Your Best Self.
Individuals with thriving mindsets
Have confidence in themselves
It’s been said that you are your own closest companion, and it’s valid! Individuals with a solid mentality have confidence in themselves. They realise that they are vital. They don’t enable negative voices around them to cut them down.
How do I do this?
I mindfully focus on my achievements every single day and focus on what I do have, rather than what I don’t have.
When the negative ‘self talk’ creeps into my thought patterns, I choose to acknowledge these thoughts, and then let them pass.
Love their identity
Those with a positive mindset have set aside the opportunity to develop plenty of self-esteem. They have put in the work to figure out how to acknowledge their identity. They completely acknowledge themselves and grasp that individual with thoughtfulness and sympathy.
To love your identity, I suggest on a bi-annual basis, you undertake the “I am” exercise. Take a piece of paper, spend 5 – 10 minutes writing out all the things that you are.
Carry this around, value it, and be proud of who you are and what you represent.
Are Honest with themselves
Being certain and self-adoring doesn’t imply that they deceive themselves. No, individuals with a sound mentality ensure they’re being straightforward. When they’ve “fouled up” they assume liability for their errors, they don’t rationalise, and they quickly offer some kind of reparation.
I achieve this by focusing on challenging myself and my thinking patterns as a third party. I sit outside of myself and consider the view point from another angle. This allows me to not only be fully transparent with myself, but to also accept myself for who I am and choose to change or grow in the areas I feel I need to focus on.
Gain from their mistakes
Those with a sound attitude aren’t anxious about making mistakes. They consider them to be chances to learn so they can improve the situation next time. Once they’ve learned the exercise from the oversight, they don’t harp on it. They proceed onward and check in with themselves frequently to ensure they’re on-course at that point, as required.
Again, I achieve this by focusing on the learnings from each situation through reflection. Reflection is a powerful means to understand why we have behaved the way we have, and what we deem acceptable and unacceptable in alignment with our identity.
Learn constantly
Individuals with a positive mindset are constantly open to new life exercises and self-improvement. They cherish learning and welcome chances to develop – professionally and personally. They esteem staying “sharp” and discover fun and testing approaches to keep over their psychological well-being.
How do you learn? I choose to listen to “book in” self development time each day. I listen to audio books when I drive, I meditate before I go to bed and practice mindfulness frequently throughout each day.
I will finish this, by sharing a quote that resonates with me daily:
“When you’re in good physical, emotional and spiritual health – the hard things are easy. When we’re not in good physical, emotional and spiritual health – the easy things are hard.” John Assaraf
Helen Reed – Develop Your Best Self