Jackie Zuk is the founder of NEXTonSCENE where she helps business owners get more visibility through reliable and cost-effective ways to be seen and heard.
In this article, Jackie shares her thoughts on how to build confidence and gain a positive outlook on life.
Building Confidence
One thing Jackie always encourages all her clients to do is to surround themselves with people who encourage them.
For Jackie herself, her puppy Hershey is a major source of motivation. “When I first started my business, I used to bring her to all my podcasts. She is my biggest cheerleader”, Jackie says.
Whether it is a pet, a friend, or a family member, the best way to build confidence is to be in a reassuring and validating circle.
Jackie’s other top tips for staying confident are meditation and exercise. working out. She also recommends “putting yourself out there and being open and vulnerable.”
Staying Positive
Confidence and positivity are two qualities that depend on each other to survive, like the proverbial balance between Yin and Yang.
“Positivity leads to confidence, “ Jackie Zuk affirms. “You can’t have positivity without confidence. If you don’t believe in yourself how can anyone else? You attract what you put out into the universe.”
Sometimes, your positivity can be severely tested. For Jackie, she always considered herself a complete extrovert, until she moved to Boston and the only person she could talk to was her husband.
She was completely lonely, with no job or friends to keep her company. What got her out of the rut was finding her passion for media and creating her business, NEXTonSCENE where she helps people with remarkable talents get the attention they deserve.
The story changes from person to person but the core stays the same. Jackie explains the best way to deal with losing your positive outlook is to find something you are passionate about and stick with it.
“The only way to grow is to know you deserve it. When you step into who you are meant to be and who you dream of becoming, your whole world changes for the better.”
Getting Stronger
Like every other skill in the world, confidence and positivity must constantly be sharpened. Jackie Zuk recommends some excellent steps modeled after her own day-to-day routine of expressing gratitude.
“Every morning I wake up and say 5 things I’m grateful for in my life. Before I go to bed at night, I do the same thing, 5 things I am most thankful for in my day. So many things have fallen into place since I started using this simple exercise.”
Staying strong is possible once you understand the basic key to living with positivity and day-in-day-out gratitude. Jackie explains it best.
Advice for new business owners
Jackie started her business to help entrepreneurs get attention, but what she has seen in the industry in a culture of self-sabotage.
“I think a lot of people feel they are undeserving of the spotlight. They want it so bad and when it’s in front of them fear gets in the way.”
If this is your attitude as a business owner, you should follow Jackie’s favorite quote.
“Change starts outside your comfort zone.”
“Be the person you want to attract,” Jackie continues. “You have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone and fly. I have been threatened with lawsuits and bullied by other business owners, but it has only made me stronger. You must be able to put up with criticism and take it in stride.”
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