Since the time of quarantine, many people have found themselves stuck. Plans have gone array, and the dreams we designated for the 2020 year seemed to have disappeared. Anxieties are arising and, even with certain sectors of the public slowly starting to open up (though there is the possibility of regressions), the uncertainties of movement are still vigilant. Creating, and continuing, new dreams and aspirations during COVID-19 is not an impossibility. In fact, its during COVID-19, where we become more disciplined in our dreams. We have the ability of becoming more creative in how we design and produce our dreams.

One of the mental disillusions regarding COVID-19 is that we are supposed to stay stuck in our inabilities to perform; our “inabilities” to produce. In many regards COVID-19 is a test. It is challenging us to see if we are going to continue treasuring life’s essentials. It is a challenge in observing how individuals are going to keep the promises they made to themselves for this year. Will COVID-19 stop you from pursuing your dreams? Furthermore, will COVID-19 be an excuse in allowing another year waste away? It seems that too many are using COVID-19 as an excuse, in preventing them from working through outdated patterns and behavioral practices. In a terse amount of words, some people are stopping because they want to stop. Perhaps their rational could be due to fears. Or it could also be due to not knowing where, and how, to proceed in one’s goals and visions. Maybe COVID-19 has created an aura of being lost.
As many of us are working through, and moving through, this current COVID-19 era, there are things we can do to ensure we stay true to the promises we made for ourselves. In maneuvering through our daily goals, here are a few tips that can be used to ensure we are gaining momentum for plans designated for ourselves. That for this 2020 year, we have stayed true to those goals and dreams!
*Keep A List Of Every Thing Completed Each Day!

One of the ways we can feel committed to our goals is keeping a list of everything we have completed, during that time. For example, if we have been working on writing a book, how many pages have we completed for that day. If we are working on losing weight, did we do our daily walk for that day? When we read the work on a piece of paper, we are seeing if we are expanding with our work. Do we notice that our efforts are getting greater with each day? Keeping this list shows how we are making use of our time, and if we are using it wisely.
*Review Our Original Goals and See If They Are What We Want

Sometimes our dreams change. Time and circumstances have a way of shaping that. Perhaps, what we originally wanted does not align with what we truly want. Maybe during this time of COVID-19, we have decided that we want to focus on accomplishing something else for this current year. That’s fine. Changing our goals is alright. If we decide we want to focus on a different goal, and save the rest for later, that’s alright, as well. This is where COVID-19 comes into play. It allows for us to investigate if the current climate are hinting that we need to shift to another goal, as it will be more favored, during this current time.

*For Each Step That You Have Accomplished, Reward Yourself
One of the necessary tools for our being is to ensure that we are enjoying each step of our goal process. Yes! It is hard work. However, the work becomes more satisfying when we do things, that shows we are on the right track. Rewarding ourselves is one of the most cherishing things we can do for ourselves. It gives us that push and energy for propelling ourselves into completing our dreams.
*Take Holistic Breaks, In Between Your Work Patterns

As you are working on your goals, make sure that you are taking a break. However, don’t just take any break. Make sure that it is soothing and meditative. Reflect upon the day. Think about what you have accomplished. Ask yourself the right questions. Are you getting everything accomplished? Are you getting what you desired? If not, what improvements can you make along the way? Release any mistakes you think you have made during the course of the day. Give yourself that space in seeing how you should re-assess anything.
*Believe That Dreams Can Come True
In order for dreams to enter reality, you have to know that they can come true. That’s the first, and most important step. So decide if you this is something you really want. If you have given yourself a “yes” on this endeavor, then there is no turning back. You can’t decide to end it once you have made that commitment to yourself. Then, of course, there is the work of being able to speak those positive words out loud. Repeating to yourself over and over, until you believe them. You have to gain confidence in the comfort of your words.

*Eat and Drink Well

Whether we think about this or not, eating well allows us to stay committed to our goal. Eating fruits and vegetables gives us that necessary energy to get through the intensities, which comes with creating dreams. Nourishing our bodies allows us to nourish our minds. In order to ensure that we are moving in the right direction, make sure you are getting the proper vitamins and nutrition, that is needed. Drink plenty of water and holistic drinks. You need to feel good, in order to work well!

*Maintain A Work Journal

Keep a journal, or diary, in how you are getting through each task. Write your thoughts and feelings down. Now that we are inside, and in a time of stillness, let’s see how we can use that aura for something practical. Allow yourself a mental flow with your words. Give yourself the time to paste your reflections on paper. There is an artistry to working. In fact, there is an aesthetics in the work process. Write down how you have been moving and going through that process. Have a collection of your thoughts gives you the ability to look back at them once your goals are completed.
*Enjoy The Work

This is a phrase told to me by a psychologist I used to visit: “Enjoy the work.” It was the first time I was exposed to the reality that work can be enjoyable. When did we learn that work was supposed to be hard? So many people have carried this aura and mentality into their daily lives. Work is reflected as “hard.” Why? Who says we have to be hardened when we work? Working hard makes the work less enjoyable. There is a wellness to work. So enjoy the process of being able to create. Quarantine gives us plenty of space to re-direct new ways in bringing comfort to our work.

Part of getting through quarantine is moving in it. While we are restricted to certain parameters, now is the perfect time to discover how we can create the best usage for these restrictions. Quarantine gives us that challenge. There are certain challenges, which permitd us to improve; discovering skills we never knew existed. There are many blessings hidden inside this current period. Take advantage of this new wave of creative energy. It is beneficial, powerful, and gives you new insight in creating dreams. Dreams are sacred. They are precious. Furthermore, they provide us with the incentive of following through with the promise, we made to ourselves. After all, goals require levels of commitment. If we are not in the business of maintaining our commitment to ourselves, how can we expect to improve our relationships with the outside world?
Use this opportunity to create a newfound method of working. That’s one of the hidden jewels of this current epidemic. It gives many of us the opportunity to re-assess. There is nothing wrong with stopping to see how we can shake things up a bit. There is nothing wrong with being still, during this current time; as long as we move toward our dreams, in the process.