Feel extremely tired and not able to take care of your kids? Visualize losing your job and thus will not be able to assure them good financial conditions? You are not the only one!
I remember October last year, I was horrified to do mundane things for my kids, simply because I was exhausted. Preparing lunch boxes in the morning? Follow-up for them to take a shower and wear clothes before schools? Or drive them to a scout meeting, even if the distance was just a few kilometers? All became a struggle.
The most irrational fear I had when I was in burnout, was that it will impact negatively my children. Being exhausted, I was emotionally vulnerable. I could start crying for no reason. I was so scared that I would not be in the position to take care of my children anymore.
What’s more, with my low energy and motivation, my biggest fear was to lose my job. What if I would not be able to assure them what my children need, holiday, good accommodation, and others?
Yes, burnout seemed to be a monster that roved over our household during months.
However, from my own experience, I can tell you, burnout does not need to be all negative. It depends greatly on how you approach it.
In reality, burnout (and all challenges in life alike) is a great opportunity to create a new lifestyle and positive improvement in your relationships.
Both you, your kids, and your partner, can grow from this experience!
You might ask yourself, but concretely, how I can do this? Start today the following 4 things:
See life as an adventure – burnout part of it
For the circumstances to be positive to your children, it must be so for you at the first hand!
Withdraw yourself a moment and take a perspective of it. Isn’t it already a miracle to be here on this beautiful planet? Take a minute to observe the glass of water in your hand. How many drops of water that traveled so far to be here? It might come from several clouds that came from several continents.
I meditated with perspective every day I woke up. Try and see the difference!
Believe in yourself and in your children
Life in itself is a miracle. And we’re here to explore all these wonders. A bit of burnout? No problem. I will finally find out how to reorganize my life. Everything is possible if I want it!
Don’t you believe that in the most difficult moment, if a parent is calm and positive, the children will do as well?
And believe me, our children are stronger than we think (and sometimes stronger than us!)
In my article “How my children teach me about happiness”, I observed that my kids were very much in the present moment. They also had a strong capability to let go. These are the things that make them very resilient in dealing with difficulties.
In burnout, take care of yourself first
It might sound a bit contradictory when you hear that in order to make burnout a good thing for your children, you must”forget” them, and instead, only think about you!
But indeed, remember when you travel by plane? The air hostess always reminds you to put your air mask before assisting your child.
Do the same for burnout. Need to rest? Take a few days for retreat. Even you are a type of mother who has never left your kids alone even a few hours.
When I was in severe burnout last year, I decided to move out. This decision was very extreme. I could not avoid some feelings of guilt because I was afraid that my children would be unhappy. However, I did do it, in order to “save” myself first. I knew things could be worse if I completely collapsed.
And my children have never been so happy today with a joyful and energized mother.
I never lose my job unless I think that I will
In burnout, you might be fearful of losing your job, thus impacting negatively your family. But you will not if you don’t think you will!
In my article “Can I get fired for burnout”, you will find many practical ways of dealing with the situation.
However, the most important thing to remember is to maintain a belief that it wouldn’t happen.
Try and see. If you truly believe it, your attitude and behavior at the workplace will simply reflect this positivity.
And in the course of “wait and see” positively with your current job (even you lost all passion), some ideas will come to get you out of it.
I remember being very patient and positive. I got out gradually from my fatigue. And one day, a great idea came with the online business. And I started a great journey to build a business I love. Today I’m completely out of my struggle with my old job.
So take perspective, believe in yourself and your children, take care of yourself, and believe you will find a great job you love.
These were my recipe to turn my burnout to a bliss for myself and my children. Try those out for you!
Read more:
How my children teach me about happiness
Learning to build an online business gave me the opportunity to do what I love, time and financial freedom – Like me, discover the Free workshop series!