Coronavirus epidemy is good for… burnout
Due to coronavirus epidemy, as of this week, schools are closed in Belgium. My children (and myself) are delighted. We passed a weekend unlike any other: All shops, cafes, cinemas, assemblies are closed. No shopping, no driving to sport center, no scheduled activity…
The whole neighborhood did not have anything to do but… a walk in nature! The whole commune was calm, with almost no car. From our window, we could see once in a while, groups of people, families, friends, went out for a walk. Children got out with their skateboards and bicycles… The crowed, hurry and busy life seemed to be in suspension…
I was telling myself: Wao, this is good for… burnout!
Burnout and being more “lazy”
In modern society, we have never found it so hard to rest, to stop, and to be “lazy”. Busy working schedule, optimization of productivity, increasing consumption… Even during the weekend, our household planning can be full of sightseeing and activities for kids…
My son, who is 11 years old, has been always reticent about doing too much. He said: “I want to rest. I want to stay at home doing nothing…” I try to learn from him. Our children are as spiritually developed as us. Or even more, because they still keep their best connection with their intuition. They know what is right. Yes, we don’t need to run so much.
Human society has come to a point where we are capable of producing enough for our survival. But we don’t want to stop. It seems that the “work/rest” balance has been largely lost in the way we function today. Many of us are caught into the endless modern life rhythm. Consequently, we are burned out in the midst of unsolved fatigue and chronic stress.
Coronavirus and burnout – the voice of nature
If you were in Belgium this weekend, you would find that all supermarket shelves were quite empty. People ran to make some stocks on alimentation. Suddenly, you might find how vulnerable we all are as human beings.
The coronavirus time reminds us of how we are all dependant on each other. That we are part of all that is. Reducing our feverish industrial rhythm is a way to be more in harmony with nature, and develop our world at her rhythm.
Both burnout and coronavirus have one thing in common. It’s the voice of nature that tells us: “Be more mindful of our existence”.
Coronavirus time – How to make it the best for your burnout
With the coronavirus epidemy, we are encouraged to keep social distance, work from home, stay far from crowded activities. Don’t you think that’s an excellent opportunity to rest, and take care of ourselves? Here are a few ideas:
- Work from home: Take the opportunity to avoid traffic and time loss in public transport.
- Practice mindful eating: Want to make some food stock because you are afraid that the coronavirus epidemy might take some time? It’s an excellent moment to practice mindful eating. Fill yourself with gratitude for what we receive. Take time to prepare mindfully a meal and eat mindfully.
- Spend time in nature: No shop is open? It’s the perfect time for a walk and appreciating nature. Ensure you have a space of quiet time to accomplish some meditation or a meditative walk to be in touch with your being.
- Practice Lazy day: During the weekend, if nothing is open? Practice a “Lazy day”. “A Lazy Day is a day for us to be truly with the day without any scheduled activities. We just let the day unfold naturally, timelessly” (Plum Village)
- Keep a positive attitude and see the best side of things. Practice seeing this epidemy, as burnout, or any difficulty in life, as a voice of nature, that helps bring a good balance to all beings.
- Reduce travel and consumption: Travelling, shopping, transportation… can cause a lot of stress. Why not benefit this coronavirus time to have more calm and rest, and heal our burnout?
The coronavirus time reminds us of how we are all dependant on each other. Reducing our feverish industrial rhythm is a way to be more in harmony with nature, and develop our world at her rhythm. In coronavirus time, make the best out of it for your burnout. Follow a few tips above to rest and recharge your energy. Will you promise me to give them a thought?
Read more:
What are natural remedies for burnout that help?
Deep gratitude – your best way to joy and happiness
6 easy ways to be happier: How to practice mindfulness in eating