We all know how pervasive burnout is in modernity. We write about it all the time and, unfortunately, we see it in the lives of many of the people around us. As someone who has split their time between working as a business leader in the automotive industry and as a director of a marching band for a local high school, my schedule has been…busy, to say the least.
But business isn’t directly associated with burnout. With that said, the go-go mentality and nonstop deluge of work all in the name of “productivity” can lead many people to burnout. With this in mind, let’s take a look at a few things we can implement in our lives in order to prevent burnout before it takes hold.
Find Time to Unplug
In the digital age, it’s harder than ever to unplug. But this is actually a huge one. While I recognize that business can follow us home, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing from time to time, we must still be diligent in making the time to unplug and spend time with our loved ones. It’s funny how many people find their work less stressful when they simply walk away from it for a time. If you’re finding yourself stressed about work, it may not be the job itself, it may be the fact that you need a nice reset time.
Fun Ways to Unplug: coffee with a friend, date night with significant other, alone time (maybe with some Netflix and takeout)
Ditching Balance for Holistic Harmony
Balance is a bit of a myth. As stated above, sometimes work is going to keep you late. But what’s really important is, when you look back at the past year, did you manage to find harmony? Did your work always keep you from time with your loved ones? Did you miss the majority of your kid’s games or recitals? It’s okay to work hard. In fact, it’s a great thing to do! But let’s just be careful to not allow our work to constantly impede on our family time and throw us out of harmony — this is a quick way to burnout!
Find Make Time to Do Things You Love
The truth is, we may have to schedule in time to do the things we love – and that’s okay! If we’re constantly looking for free time, we may never find it. A sign of maturity is making time for things that are important, and that includes your mental health and overall well-being!
While this list is far from exhaustive, I’ve found these things important and helpful in my own life. While burnout is a pervasive issue among many – and there can sometimes be deeper, systemic causes for our discontentment – we should never underestimate the power of healthy, holistic, and harmonious day-to-day living.
Remember, treat yourself as someone you are responsible for helping.