According to the integral approach it’s the new connections we’re about to develop that will help us form the right mindset for success. Since we’re all tied to one system we add new connections to the integral network, according to how nature reveals them between us.
We must add our network of connections to this natural network. We must share anything we can such as our occupations, culture and education, health, security, food supply, industry, banking, financial, and economic elements. We need all these systems to fit together into the same network with which we are connected by nature.
The very development of this new integral system is the added value. We must act in accordance with what nature reveals, the connection between everyone.
If a product or service helps us be connected to others in a better way, and helps us attract a nice attitude from others, then it has the right to exist and will be in great demand.
The organization and what it produces, and its services, must fill the connection between people. Everything a company does must be in accordance with the network being revealed.
This is the challenge: the transition to the new integral connection between all. This is the trend and what it will demand from all of us. The new product is our attitude, meaning how we relate to others.
The new product is our attitude, meaning how we relate to others.
If a product or service helps us be connected to others in a better way, and helps us attract a nice attitude from others, then it has the right to exist and will be in great demand. All products and services must adjust to suit this new rule.