I hear this question a lot from entrepreneurs who are in a bit of a financial pickle with their business.

But what should I do?…Is not the best place to start.

What should I do? – that is a question of tactics…before we go into tactics we need to look at strategy.

The question I throw back is…

What do you want?

What do you want your business to look like?

What do you want your LIFE to look like?

Only in knowing the answer to those questions can we being to calculate an implementable plan – a “what to do” – to get you from where they are now, to where you want to be.

To get your business financially healthy and moving forward in a way that serves you and what you want your life to look like.

So tell me…what do you want?

What do you want your business and your life to look like?

I’d love to know…

Originally published at www.annetteandco.co.uk


  • Annette Ferguson

    Helping online service  based entrepreneurs find clarity in their numbers, increase their wealth and have more money in their pockets.

    Annette & Co.

    Annette Ferguson is the CEO of Annette & Co. - Chartered Accountants helping online service  based entrepreneurs find clarity in their numbers, increase their wealth and have more money in their pockets. Annette is also the host of Uncover Wealth Radio, the curator of the Uncover Wealth Community (FB) and creator of the Business Wealth Engine. And when she is not helping entrepreneurs transform their business you can find her hanging out with her 2 little ones and hubby, running and drinking tea - but not all at the same time.