Before the Thrive Challenge, I couldn’t get organized, so I couldn’t make time for working out or spending time with family. My parents are almost 80, and I wanted to make time for them and for my friends. I am usually a social person, but for a while I felt like I was missing something. I would look in the mirror and see I wasn’t fit, and that discouraged me from being myself. 

I had seen the brochures for the Thrive Challenge at work, and I would look and say, “Look who’s in here!” 

I even downloaded the Thrive app, but then I’d start missing days and just thought it wouldn’t work. It wasn’t until a lot of my coworkers started telling me they did it that I decided to try again. One of my coworkers, Omar Negron, really gave me the push I needed. Christmas had just ended and I was making my New Year’s resolutions and I finally said, “Today is the day I am going to start the Thrive Challenge.” 

I had already signed up for the gym like everyone did as part of their New Year’s resolutions, but I needed smaller goals to help me start little by little.

I liked the Microstep about laying out your workout clothes out in advance. It made me prepare my clothes for the gym the night before, and have my bag ready so I can get up and leave for the gym. That saved me time and helped me get organized. I also like the Microstep where you do squats while brushing your teeth!

I started sleeping better, my mood was better, and even if I was sore I just felt better. 

Exercising was difficult on days where I felt tired, but I have a poster in my room that says “Focus,” and that really helped me stay motivated. My parents even started seeing me and saying, “You’re really working hard.” My dad doesn’t go to the gym, but I told him to at least walk a bit, or do one squat — just one little thing — and now he does! 

Scheduling my time better also helped me save money.

I used to spend more than $10 a day on food, and now I have time to pack chicken with vegetables or a tuna wrap. I’ve also been trying to take the main roads instead of the highway, and I bring my own water bottle to work. My goal is to take my parents on a trip to the Dominican Republic this year. I’m in the process of planning the trip now. They went once many years ago and loved it, and so I’m going to seize the opportunity to take them again.

The Thrive Challenge is the tool that has helped me change my life. 

Without the Thrive Challenge, I would have been doing the same thing I’ve done every year, where I’d say I’m going to do something and then not do it. Now, I have more time for the people in my life. That’s the most important thing that I’ve taken away from the Thrive Challenge. It’s what I wanted to do for myself and for the people around me.

— Luis Cordero, Walmart Supercenter #2346, Toa Baja, PR; $5K Winner