We all have limiting beliefs. No one escapes life without them.
Since they’re a part of the human condition, I’m offering up a solution to re-frame them.
There are so many limiting beliefs, I could never cover them all here, but I’ll use a few simple and common ones to show you how to do it.
Step 1: Write down your limiting belief.
I’m just not a morning person…
I have a slow metabolism…
I have to work really really hard to get ahead…
Step 2: Write Bullsh*t (or whatever word works for you) followed by a counter statement.
Bullsh*t, I am an energetic person at all times of the day. I sleep well and I wake up feeling refreshed before my alarm.
Bullsh*t, I am designed by divine wisdom, and my body functions at peak performance.
Bullsh*t, Progress comes easily to me. I work smart, and I am abundantly compensated for my excellent work.
Step 3: Now combine the two together.
I’m just not a morning person…Bullsh*t, I am an energetic person at all times of the day. I sleep well and I wake up feeling refreshed before my alarm.
I have a slow metabolism…Bullsh*t, I am designed by divine wisdom, and my body functions at peak performance.
I have to work really really hard to get ahead…Bullsh*t, Progress comes easily to me. I work smart, and I am abundantly compensated for my excellent work.
Step 4: Say Step 3 out loud every day until your beliefs shift.
It’s going to feel weird and unnatural at first, but that will change with time.
More importantly, your life will change. You’ll break through what’s been holding you back.
Does this all sound silly? That’s OK, do it anyway.
Most of your limiting beliefs took root long before you knew any better.
They get pretty well anchored by the time we’re 6 years old.
A lot of them are common tenets of society, but they don’t have to be true for you if they aren’t serving you.
They aren’t going to go away on their own, so why not have some fun with it as you ditch them one by one.
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Cross posted at Change Your Mind Change Your Life