How to work with prejudice and bias mindsets ,can we affect a set mind?

What a topic,it’s been difficult to write this article but my heart leapt when I read the call to write about this subject and the global need to address it ofcourse is right now and “always” since time past this same question, EVERLASTING question in all of our conscious hearts .

It’s 2020 are we still this unevolved as a species? sadly the answer is yes.

On some level or another we have probably all been affected by bias and prejudice at some time in our life. It may have been directly aimed at you or you may have witnessed it in action toward another ,did you intervene? Did you use your voice to speak up and answer the call for love to stand up for goodness,did you hold your own? did you have a chance ?

This is our invitation and the call to love always. No hiding, not to freeze into the fear but to stand up and be bold !but that’s easier said than done in most cases, it’s a nice ideal unless you happen to be standing in front of a pointed gun ,a loaded tongue or worse a mob mentality giving you their best shot at abuse and mental torture.

This is why we have become so complacent ,how we turn our face away and pretend not to see because it’s easier to take the lower path than stand and walk the higher path.

I’m thankfull most of us do not experience the extremes of hatred fuelled actions but we have all witnessed it even if only watching in horror a story related in the news .

There but for the grace of God go I comes to mind when we see the trails of trauma left behind .

So the question was have I experienced this in a personal way and I am sad to say right now during the covid lockdowns I have been on the recieving end of really unpleasant,cold and unloving behaviour born from prejudice and a bias on who someone has decided they think I am which has led to the lowest form of discrimination against me as a woman.

It’s been a shock and I’m not shocked by that much these days!

I’m wordly and wise and well travelled and so what might seem strange to others is that world view which is open, all encompassing and inclusiveness and I see that for those who do not know what that looks like from a smaller perspective viewpoint it’s like talking Italian to someone who only speaks in english ,we simply don’t get it ! It’s okay not to get it but can we just leave it alone and let it be? Sometimes the answer is NO.

People want to prod and poke like kids at the anthill they want to destroy and challenge and create chaos .

The word misogynist comes to mind as I have asked myself a few times would they have pulled this stuff on a male? I doubt it.

This behaviour in this instance i see is a result of deep sadness and buried unhealed resentments and pain of the past such is the problem when issues are not healed , maybe some personal issues toward me that I have not been privy to know or given any insight to understand or resolve despite asking repeatedly I’m still none the wiser and my heart says why?

I don’t think it will ever come clear to me why someone goes from fairly pleasant to you one day and being hurtful and hateful seemingly overnight without any cause or injury from my side .

This is precisely what prejudice is.

It’s a preconceived notion or mind made up by a trail of negative thoughts within that person’s mind not based on anything real or known but relayed and passed on as if it’s a truth, such is my story ,so dealing with one person became 3 people infected by that same sharing of those thoughts and then including anyone else who could be pulled in on that mindset, unfortunately what I witnessed was how quickly people are ready to buy into a “story” without knowing anything about you or knowing you themselves ,such is the practise seen on social media of bullies and the onslaught of those who join in .

Have we not learned not to be interactive in such things as idle gossip rumour spreading and outright evil towards another? again sadly the answer is no.

Most of us join in on gossip everyday without any consequence to ourselves or the understanding of how that might impact the person it’s directed toward.

These little happenings that we class as meaningless are not so meaningless to us if the tables are turned ,is it then we truly are able to “feel”it for ourselves enough to say “No More”in me or from me.

Hitler was one man yet he managed to coerce thousands into his way of thinking and bought up the collective shadow in all those involved ,humans sometimes seemingly likes to take a bite on each other when we are given the chance to hurl our own suppressed and dark stagnent pond of water over someone else’s head.

So here we are unresolved.

I spoke up for myself , I called them to action and responsibility, I asked for change, I voiced my responsibility to self by stating I did not allow abuse in any form as a woman or more importantly as a member of the human race and as a human being .

I stood my own and called them to their own conscience and hoped that they would see the error of their ways or at least try to behave better and I see there has been some movement outwardly to that but today inwardly I see that it hasn’t changed, not really I think the mindset that was there is still there.

I don’t think it’s going to say sorry or make amends ,it seems to me that it doesn’t want to and maybe that’s the answer or the only truth that I can really conclude at this time despite numerous efforts at peace .

So here I am still cast out, banished,uninvited neglected and ignored but always the invitation is to offer a rope from the higher perspective which I have done several times over and hold onto peace ofcourse in me.

I offered them a rope of hope to climb out of the pain of their own darkness and into the light but sometimes I guess people just want to remain in the darkness they know rather than reach out for the light unknown.

Will there be peace ,will there be resolution ?will there be a change and the only answer I can share with you in my own experience and evolution is what I know for sure and that’s don’t let it change you, don’t become part of the problem keep being the solution.

Keep hold of your goodness and inherent beauty and sometimes it’s hard not to flake a little under heavy energies but hold up bring yourself up remind yourself of who you are and say thankyou i am me!don’t let it taint or distort or tarnish you ,never allow the unconscious actions of unevolved souls and pain fuelled hearts steal your ability to shine, sometimes your joy and light is enough to trigger hatred from those who do not have it or maybe have never known it.

Can you wish them well and dispell their actions from your heart closing the door on any hatred that comes to you and keeping your heart clean at all turns on the road,this is our collective choice ,Choose love keep choosing love.

Keep love alive and well within you because just maybe it will ignite a spark of light in another just maybe,one day .

So is that the story of us?is it a story that has a beginning , a middle and an end.

We can hope! So can you keep the spark of light going and pass it on that’s all we have really got isn’t it against the evils in the world.

I am rooting for us are you? visit me for wisdom, life coaching, online mentoring and clubs,soundbaths, meditation, telephone sessions ,healing wellbeing and the For Goodness Sake mastery in the mayhem podcast episodes.

All love cheaya