“A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.”
How we love to set goals!
We make them all the time, don’t we? Those delicious promises to ourselves such as;
“I’ll lose those extra 3kgs by Easter – no problem!”
“I’ll be several steps closer to that (..new car/new home/new relationship/new job) by (…insert date)!”
“I’ll book and pay for that dream holiday in Hawaii by (…insert date)!”
No doubt about it. It’s really enjoyable to sit daydreaming about a slimmer, fitter body, a new car with a bit of va-va-voom!, or imagine ourselves swanning around in a new job, on an exotic beach – or with the partner of our dreams.
But hey! Slow it right down, partner! That’s the easy bit.
Let’s be honest. Are you really on target for these goals you’ve set yourself?
Time for a bit of tough love…
We know it all too well. Most of us spend a lifetime creating wonderful – sometimes very elaborate – visions for the future.
It’s normal and part of being human. And there’s nothing wrong with dreaming big – if dreams are all you want.
But if, on the other hand, you’ve decided that that you want to give it everything you’ve got this time – to really make things happen and turn those dreams into reality – then listen up.
Because it all starts with a great mindset.
No wishy washy thoughts that fade into the mist a few weeks later.
A goal must have a written plan. Commitment. No excuses.
It’s not about the actual goal you’ve set or how detailed it is in your mind. Nor is it about how many degrees you have under your belt, or how much money you have in the bank. It doesn’t depend on where you were born or when.
Aiming big and reaching our goals depends on none of the above, thankfully.
The key to success in achieving goals? It’s a strong, determined mindset – every single time. With the right mindset firmly in place, you can then formulate your plan of action with the helpful ‘Beginner’s Guide To Setting Goals’ I’ve written for you here.
Begin the process with a deep seated belief in your own unique abilities;
Do you want more happiness? Start looking inwards.
Do you want better relationships? Love yourself and others will love you too.
Do you want to do better at work? Believe in your abilities and let them shine in the workplace.
What’s the common thread here? You! Never doubt that everything great that comes your way is firmly rooted in – and anchored to – how you feel about yourself. It absolutely is!
So, here’s a checklist of 8 simple affirmations to kickstart your personal dreams when you’re ready to follow them passionately. Embrace these positive beliefs and you’re halfway to success;
“I can do this!”
“I’m worthy of everything good coming my way!”
“I’m fully committed to making my goals a reality!”
“I believe in myself”
“I acknowledge my strengths, and I capitalise on them”
“I listen to others, but always trust my gut instincts”
“I’m open to change and growth”
“I love and respect myself”.
When we introduce positive, uplifting mantras into our day to day lives, they can have a very dynamic, powerful effect on our thinking. On any given day as you read this, one (or more) of the above sentences/affirmations should resonate with you. So take that and run with it. Repeat it several times over in your head or out loud as you drink your morning coffee, drive to work or fire up your laptop. Then repeat it often during the course of the day.
Pick another – or your own favourite – the following day.
There’s no secret formula for getting something you want out of life.
It’s actually quite simple. Whatever it is you’re aiming for – big or small – you have everything you need within your grasp right now. You just need the self belief and commitment to dig deep and make it happen.
So remember: when you fire up the right mindset and let nothing stand in your way, the world is, quite literally, your oyster!
Have faith – you can do this!
Have you committed to a big goal recently? What’s your recipe for staying on track? Do share any tips with us in the comments box below!
Originally published at www.sarah-virag.com