Having faith is easy when everything is going right. Its easy to believe in something when favor goes your way. When happiness is abundant and glitters every footstep of your path. That’s the less complicated part! Yet, is that really faith? Is that really when faith is the most projected and illuminated?
One of the interesting things concerning faith is that it is intangible. It can’t be seen. It can’t be touched. You can not own or control it. Faith is felt with the Spirit, nourished by the heart, and believed with the mind. The fact that it cannot be controlled is the beauty of it. Faith finds those who believe in it. A faith in a greater power than ourselves. A greater power, who guides and strengthens us along the way. So, when things go wrong, when we lose a loved one, how does our faith hold up during the bad times? Do we retreat to that same power? Do we hold onto that power during times when we cannot see our way? Is it part of the dynamic for one to envision if we are going to make it out of whatever circumstances we are going through?

In that period when we experience loss, it is natural for one to become angry at the injustices or imbalances that we are going through. Very natural, indeed! That anger deserves recognition! It deserves acknowledgement! That’s part of the process of sustaining one’s faith. There is no glossing over it, or sugar coating of it. Truly sustaining one’s faith is difficult. It takes perseverance, skill, and patience. It takes those elements. The beginning and the latter of the three words are the hardest to perform. They are the most difficult to sustain. This is the ugly truth about holding onto one’s faith. The journey is not always a pretty one. It can be painful and vicious! The tears. The frustrations! It hurts. It hurts like hell! #RealTalk! And, what makes the process that more agonizing is when we see illusions of injustice, reigning. Its time to speak honestly about these things. Its time to speak boldly about our struggles for keeping our faith. Heaven knows that it can be so difficult. It can be downright painful, at times.
Is there always beauty in a struggle? Not really. That’s one of the lessons of holding onto our faith. There is frustration and agony when maintaining faith in a greater power than ourselves. There is the anxiety of not knowing our next step. Unaware of what will happen next. It is part of the reality of releasing control. Remember, true faith, in its authenticity, cannot be controlled. Mainly, because it requires two words. . .free will. That’s how much faith, and Heaven, is in love with us. The beauty of it all pertains to being able to simply. . .hold on. Its one of the beauties of faith. A hidden beauty, indeed. It also requires patience. That, too, is also part of the journey of a hopeful faith. Believe it or not.

The beginning of that faithful path, during times when you want to “throw away” faith, is hard. My goodness, that is an understatement. Its beyond painful. I don’t think there is a more accurate term to use, to truly convey the feeling of what that experience entails. Its heartbreaking, nevertheless. If one is not careful, it could even lead a person onto a destructive path of depression. So, during that early phase, it is vital for people to surround themselves with people, who are strong in their faith. Furthermore, it is also part of the understanding in allowing oneself to be vulnerable. Admitting that one can’t do this on own their own. A spiritual community is necessary, at this point. Belonging with people who can refill you with positive energy, when your own energy reserves have been depleted. Its so important, Darlings. Quite honestly, its a lifesaver. Because at the moment of despair, when one’s faith is weak, one is prone to enter into a dangerous place-mentally and emotionally. Having family, friends, and other loved ones around helps to keep one on a faithful track. And, when they pray for you, its even more magical. Prayer helps. Prayer and meditation. . .works.

Music is the language of the Soul! Evenmoreso, it is Universal! Inspirational music, heavenly music, and music which speaks to exactly what you are going through is extremely vital; especially, during that time when you feel your faith is in decline. Listening to music on a daily basis greatly assists a person in getting through those difficult times. Getting through that period, where the barrier between a little faith and no faith, is vital in every journey. Accept that love and embrace that love.
Another key element when going through that uncertain time in doubting one’s faith is. . .honesty. Do you remember when we talked about being vulnerable? Well, honesty is part of that. Honesty with yourself. Listen and listen, well! Its ok to tell yourself that you are not alright. Its alright to say that you need time off, and that you are not well. Its the natural thing to do! We are all expected to be strong, all the time. Especially, in a world that could care less about our personal issues at the workplace. When the real world doesn’t value you, you make sure to value yourself. You don’t sacrifice yourself for a job, or position, that would replace you in a heartbeat. That’s real! One of the biggest forms of self-love is the ability to acknowledge your flaws. And, in the journey of faith, one of those flaws is the error of giving up. #RealTalk
Another important attribute of staying grounded in one’s faith is journaling. Yes, it goes together with, wait for it. . .being vulnerable. Only this time, its a personal love letter to oneself. It allows one to understand the beauties and richness of purging out the pain, the doubt, the anxiety. What does it mean to release pain, through the written word? What does it mean to see the shape, the design, of that pain, through words? What does it mean? It means that in capturing symbolical, representations of our pain, we are also healing from it. Its a miraculous wonder, don’t you think?

Another key element in maintaining one’s faith, even in the midst of losing it, is the physical release of pain. Yes, Darlings! That means you have to. . .cry! Cry and let it out! Releasing the pain, through the healing powers of water is extremely therapeutic. Furthermore, its one way of staying on that course of faith. The natural liquidations to sway back into the rhythm of following one’s calling from a higher power. And, when that pain is released, in the midst of all the doubt and misery that one picks up, you find yourself believing again. The physical purging of that pain is so Heavenly. It is Divine! And, when you get a taste of Heaven, you are back on track towards. . .faith.
Keeping faith is a task that requires effort. You will struggle through it. You will fight with it. And, you will question. However, as long as you stay on that course, allowing yourself to stay navigated, you will be fine. Its one of those journeys, where a person has to hold on. . .and hold on tight! Holding on and keeping one’s Spiritual faith. . .in sight!