Gary Torgow is one of the most notable businessmen in Detroit, Michigan. He has had a strong influence on the region, both through his work and his community involvement.
He started preparing for his career by earning his bachelor’s degree from Yeshiva University, a private higher learning institution in New York City. He then attended Wayne State University School of Law, where he completed his Juris Doctor.
One milestone in his career occurred in 1988 when he founded the Sterling Group, a real estate, investment, and management firm. He built the company into a very significant organization. Sterling remains one of Michigan’s most successful companies.
Today Gary Torgow is chairman of one of the biggest banks in America, TCF. He was appointed to his chairmanship after a merger was finalized between TCF Financial Corporation and Chemical Financial Corporation in August of 2019. Chemical Bank had previously merged with Talmer Bank, founded by Mr. Torgow. TCF commands assets of more than $47 billion. It is among the 10 largest deposit market share holders in the Midwest. The organization is based in Detroit.
Mr. Torgow was included on a list compiled by DBusiness Detroit, a business journal, of the 500 most successful businesspeople in Michigan.
Mr. Torgow has proven to be something of a Renaissance man because of his accomplishments outside the fields of business and banking. He is a successful author. He has written two books, Raising the Bar and Holy Warrior. He is extremely active in civic, charitable, and philanthropic projects. One of them is the Skillman Foundation, described as “the champion of Detroit’s children.” It provides educational opportunities and other forms of support for disadvantaged youths.
Gary Torgow is also a member of numerous other organizations. Just a few are his membership on the board of trustees of the Business Leaders of Michigan. He is also on the board of Detroit Downtown Partnership. Another group he actively participates in is the Community Foundation of Southeastern Michigan. Mr. Torgow is senior vice president of the Orthodox Union and president of the board of Yeshiva Beth Yahuda, Detroit’s Largest Jewish day school.
Today, Gary Torgow is also a notable speaker. He is a frequent lecturer at premier institutions across the nation. Mr. Torgow is married and is the proud father of five successful children.