You are invited to join us on a guided healing journey through your seven chakras. Your chakras hold the key to your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Through guided imagery and energetic journeying, you will move gracefully through each chakra, learn about its correspondences, and visualize a rainbow of healing light rays unblocking and balancing your primary energy centers.
This beautiful ritual enables the proper flow of prana throughout your energetic body, nourishing, charging, and realigning you with divine source and your higher self.
It will help you return to a state of wholeness, which is your natural state of being. To be whole means to be united with all of your disparate parts, all the pieces of your soul that have been lost during your journey into this human experience.
To be whole also means to be fully connected with sacred universal energy.
In a fully whole and present state, you express your full power and authentic self into the world. You shine the light of truth, experience radiant health, and maximum joy.
As you walk the earth in this human life, part of your purpose is to find your way back to unity with divine cosmic consciousness, of which you are an inseparable part.
To do this, you must realign your energy centers, clear blockages and open the channels for source energy to flow through you.
This nurturing and nourishing guided visualization will help you clear the way for this reunion so that you can open to limitless possibility.