Take for instance Natalie Levy, a woman who faced a massive obstacle in life, but still, she went on to thrive, even in the face of adversity. What pushed her forward to keep going, when others chose to stay behind?
I stumbled on an article about Natalie Levy after hearing her on a podcast. I went in search of more information because there was something different in her, a voice that showed resilience. Perseverance. She spoke about losing her mother when she was young, and even in the face of depression, she saw her future. Why do some see a future, when others can barely see in front of them.
In my case, having built a business, I conquered my own mountains, but what set this woman on a path to not only build her own business but inspire other women and take them along for the ride? What pushes you to greatness? What makes you want to reach down and bring others with you?
Natalie Levy studied psychology, then went on to get her Master’s in Applied Psychology with a focus in women’s studies. Was it a natural interest, or was it based out of the loss of her mother? What direction did that trauma move her?
And yet, more than anything, what caught my interest was her Babes Who Brunch Club. She found that a lot of women were lacking strong, female bonds in business. She saw an opportunity, sandwiched it with her knowledge, and created a force to be reckoned with. She found herself coaching other women—helping them with confidence and self-love, and it was a natural expansion of her skills.

Though, early on in her career, she did the corporate job that we all do, until her entrepreneur fire started burning. She knew there was more. It ended up being a perfect fit. She focuses on community building, mindset, strategy, and business goals. She helps women who are determined to break free of their self-imposed limitations and want to reach for the stars. Entrepreneurs in the making—and make them do, by launching a new business in 90 days. She created an event series focused not only on business but structured with well-being. It’s a perfect combination for women who want more. She not only hosts events but then went on to create masterminds, too.
That’s one of the aspects of entrepreneurs that inspire me as a business owner. It’s about seeing possibilities and not being afraid of chasing them. And even if there are hesitations, doing it anyway.
What is this based out of? Why do some people have that drive, and others don’t? Why did I want to expand beyond what I had, wanting to learn more about people who thrive in business? There’s a fascination in seeing other people’s journeys, and when you read about a woman like Natalie Levy, how do you not get inspired? She saw something and went after it. Even with bumps in the road, she kept going. Entrepreneurs have this wild, unstoppable spirit that pushes them in a way that those who tend to be “worker bees or followers” don’t. It’s this intense desire to reach for the stars that keep me learning and reading about this segment of business society.
We learn from others, get inspired by their dedication, and see how going after something you’re passionate about or believe in can help you reach your dream goals. With a willingness to stretch farther, work harder, and keep going in the face of adversity, there’s fulfillment at the end of the path.
In an article, Natalie Levy stated, “There’s nothing more rewarding to me than uplifting women and creating a container and ecosystem that allows us to support one another.”
Wow. Right? Think about this. Natalie created her dream job, uses her path to lift others, and created an ecosystem of support. This is worth reading twice. Seriously. Read it again. This is the heart of an entrepreneurial woman that’s taken on the world and is winning by playing by her own rules. Isn’t that what most of us want? Kudos to Natalie Levy for inspiring others, as well as me.
So, the big question is what will you do with information that inspires you? Will you reach for your dreams? Will you find another reason why it won’t work—another excuse? Maybe it’s time to reach out to Natalie Levy and talk to her about business coaching. It wouldn’t hurt to see what the future holds. It just may be brighter than you imagined.