When did you first hear the words, “ChatGPT”? I actually looked it up since I remembered who told me and sent me instructions on how to craft a good prompt. It was January of this year. Less than 6 months ago and now everyone has heard of it.
Well, apparently, ChatGPT has also heard of me!
When people reach out to me on my website via the contact form, looking for training, coaching, or speaking, I always ask, “how did they find me?” Since it is typically a referral, I want to make sure to thank the person.
But this time the answer was, Chat GPT! I have had the answer be google before, but this surprised me.
My new potential client shared, “I heard about you through ChatGPT. I asked him about someone who could help me build relations with others and I love what you are teaching.” (I will ignore that he thinks AI is a man)
When I shared this with my team, they tried to reproduce the response and did so successfully after 3 tries.
1. Experts that could help me build relationships with others yielded names like
Brene Brown and Dale Carnegie.
2. Adding with people that I could hire to coach me turned up Marshall Goldsmith
and Tony Robbins.
3. Adding “with coaches I could afford” and I was #1 on the list!
I wasn’t sure I loved being affordable, until I realized I was the affordable Marshall. I’ll take that!
It was a fun little experiment but left me a little unsettled.
How are you feeling about this amazing new technology? Personally, I am both scared, curious, and excited by it.
- Scared because of all the futuristic movie themes about AI taking over the world and realizing that may not be as far fetched. And because it will be way too easy to disseminate false yet compelling images and information that influences behaviors so in the wrong hands, can do real damage. Not to mention the impact to education and original content.
- Curious because it is novel and the applications are endless. I am curious how this can help diagnose medical issues, help people be aware of drug interactions, and so many other beneficial possibilities that I can’t even imagine but very smart people are already working on.
- Excited because I am trying to figure out how I can use it to make my work more impactful and more efficient. I have found it acts like a collaboration partner. It generates article titles that get me thinking. It can quickly provide statistics which I can then verify.
I haven’t used it much yet, but plan to use it as a sounding board or thought partner rather than a ghost writer. I believe nothing is more authentic than your own voice.
How are you using Chat GPT? Any suggestions for me?