As a celiac and learning, she was allergic to milk, she struggled to find healthy, tasteful options. That made for a challenge as she slowly transitioned to her new food restrictions. Thankfully, the Michelin star Chef she’d been studying with helped direct her with tips and tricks.
Today, years later, she’s been able to thrive and is sharing the process with others via a health and wellness blog and eBooks. Not only does she encourage and uplift others who may have similar struggles, but she also provides them with healthful, delicious options that allow her readers to find new favorite recipes that make eating easier.
Girl Next Door started as a journey to document the process. It was a space that had been often overlooked. Katie decided that she’d fill the need, and share her path in the process. She’d been hoping to find answers, but it was difficult to find things all in one space. Today, she offers health and wellness tips, while motivating and encouraging others as they navigate their food challenges.
With two Ebooks available via her website, you can get gluten-free and vegan-friendly recipes, along with smoothie recipes that are both healthy and delicious. She aims to empower others to feel their best. Her recipes include things like Vegan/GF Mint Brownies, Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars, and Smoothie Bowls.
She also has an inspiring post on self-care as COVID-19 impacts our lives and another helpful list on kitchen staples for people going vegan and gluten-free. Katie helps take the overwhelm out of having to transition your diet.
Imagine being away from home, your entire lifestyle changes, and now you need to adjust everything you’re eating. It was a challenge, but one she thankfully tackled well. Now she can share her wisdom with you! She’s taken the journey and found answers that left her feeling better and enjoying what she eats once again.
Her path led her to write a book. After the first one got such great feedback, she decided to share another eBook with her readers to help them discover easy-to-create smoothie recipes that are well-balanced.
Being passionate about her mission to spread health and wellness to those seeking alternative recipes, in order to help them feel better is something she’s dedicated to. Be sure to visit her at and check out her Overnight Oats recipe or grab one of her eBooks today.