A status update came across my newsfeed last night, and I felt compelled to dive into thriving over surviving today. And as much as it’s not a tricky subject, it kind of is. I’m all about the notion of thriving over surviving, and I’m pretty sure many of you out there would prefer to live life with ease, but I’m convinced that the reason so many people don’t thrive is because they simply weren’t TAUGHT to. They have no idea what it means to not be in a survival state of mind. This is such an issue, I feel I was called to help make a dent in this epidemic.
I’m all about getting to the root of issues as is any self-help expert. When we see someone hurting or struggling, we ask questions like, “Why are you doing that if it doesn’t serve you?,” in order to get to the nitty gritty. “Why aren’t you okay?” “Why aren’t you using the power you have inside yourself?” “Why aren’t you practicing better habits to lift yourself up?” “What does life look like to you where you are not in your current state of mind?” A million questions to ask yourself….
The answers of course vary from person to person. I used to live in a state of unconsciousness, or “auto-pilot.” Not really seeing that my actions, thoughts, and beliefs about myself were the maker or breaker of me, until one day, I learned. Someone spoke truth to me. I’m blessed to have actually had multiple people in my life to speak this truth. I’m convinced that for the people I see in my life, there hasn’t been enough encouragement and truth spoken to them. So, it’s time for a change….At least, if you’re willing to listen.
The truth is, we are only shells. What we see is not true reality. How we respond to the things we see are our “growth” moments. The power we have inside of us is the REAL truth, and until you know your truth, unconscious living occurs. But I’m just going to put this out there. You are God. So, in all realityness, you are SO much more powerful than you know. And in my imperfection, sometimes I just want to smack some people over the head and be like, “Wake the fuck up and shut up with your ‘woe is me, I try and try and I get nothing’ mentalities. And hey, I sometimes have that same conversation with myself, so I’m no better than anyone.
But for real, it’s time to start taking OWNERSHIP in your own life and stop being a victim of circumstance. Get the fuck out of survival mode and get into thriving mode.
There are way too many stories of people out there who have overcome the toughest challenges, physically and mentally. Wanna learn about strength? Pick up Lewis Howes’ book, “School of Greatness.” There are enough stories in that book to kick you right in the ass.
Honestly. What are you doing in your life to create positive changes in your life. Start asking the question, “What do I really WANT?”
You know, I want to quit smoking. But guess what? I still buy cigarettes when I want. We all have things we’d like to change and until we have the balls to take an internal look at ourselves, the vicious cycle of victim will continue and there is no one to blame but yourself. No one feels sorry for you. I certainly don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me for my random ass smoking habit, which I never felt so bad about until it started being more than random. I could make all the excuses in the world, they don’t matter until I decide I’m better than that.
So, let’s start here with you, right now, if you’re having a hard time finding your power. Each time you go past a mirror today, remind yourself that:
1. You are beautiful.
2. You are a creation with a magic purpose.
3. You get to create your life, so whatever you’re choosing is what’s showing up.
4. You have the power to make a shift or a change anytime you’re not comfortable with where you currently are.
5. Fuck your excuses if you have them. Making excuses is insane.
It’s kinda really that simple. The life path you’re on is up to you. You can change it right now. Own your choices, and if you want something different, make different choices. There is help out there if you need it. What do you struggle with? What is going on in your life that needs to change in order for you to thrive? How can I help you? I’d love to hear from you.