I am currently focusing on movement in my well-being journey. I walk for 30 minutes early in the morning to start my day off well. And one Microstep I’ve been taking since starting my journey has been taking breaks in between work tasks, just to stretch and move around.  

Overall, Thrive Microsteps have had a big, positive impact on my health, my mood, my energy levels, and my daily routines. And I’ve been sleeping better. Microsteps have helped me to set a target for each day. They are all small, but impactful steps that make a difference. The daily rewards offered by Thrive were captivating and kept me engaged in my Challenge. Watching my garden grow and remembering to water my plant was fascinating!

Committing to Microsteps on a daily basis has helped to foster a sense of discipline and organization. For example, I used to struggle with hydration — I didn’t drink enough water. I used to find it challenging to stay consistently hydrated. It felt like a humongous task and I used to feel tired, dehydrated and dull. I was in need of  motivation and a catalyst to begin a regular hydration routine. I found that by taking part in the Hydration Challenge, which provided the spark I needed. 

The Microstep that really helped me was drinking water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning! It was a game changer for me. Scheduling water breaks, especially targeting to drink before noon, really helped too. I started being more physically active which in turn helped to drink more water. I also introduced  fruit-infused water to make it more interesting. Soon I found that the feeling of being fatigued and dehydrated was completely gone. In fact, I felt more energetic and active. I really enjoyed the process and had fun with the team. I realized that drinking two to three liters of water per day is not a hard task, it’s more about being systematic and motivated. 

One thing I’ve learned that’s supporting me and shaping my well-being, is that

achieving any goal hinges on maintaining consistency. And I found that the influence of  partnership and teamwork played a crucial role in ensuring my accountability. As a team, we kept motivating one another and shared tips on how to achieve the daily goals we set for ourselves. My teammates shared their own well-being experiences with me, and that has motivated me to stay on track with my own goals.

Support has also been an important and valuable part of my Challenge. My family joined me  doing the Microsteps. This made the journey enjoyable as many of us were involved, and I felt we were all competitive — in a good way! Of course, my family and friends play a major role in motivating me every day. However, what truly motivates me is the feeling of well-being that comes from maintaining consistency with the Microsteps, which in turn inspires me to take further steps as I continue my journey. 


  • Chris Elizabeth Vinod

    Labeling Operations Manager in the Global Labeling

    I am working as a Labeling Operations Manager in the Global Labeling Management department of Pfizer, with approximately three years of experience within the organization. My career choice in the medical field is driven by a deep passion for enhancing people's lives. I hold a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. I reside in Bangalore, India, with my husband and am known for my cheerful and friendly personality. I enjoy gardening, creating artworks, and have a fondness for pets. Unwinding by visiting the beach or a picnic at the park is one of my favorite ways to spend my leisure time.