Never stop learning. Join different groups, meet different people, and strive to experience different things.
Have you ever noticed how often we equate success with more? Whether that’s more products, more profits, more activities, or more accomplishments, we buy into the belief that we have to do more to have more to be more. And that will sum up to success. And then along comes The Great Resignation. Where employees are signaling that the “more” that’s being offered — even more pay, more perks, and more PTO — isn’t summing up to success for them. We visited with leaders who are redefining what success means now. Their answers might surprise you.
As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Christine Blanchette.
Christine Blanchette is a nationally published health and fitness/lifestyle writer. She writes a weekly column in Quebec’s second largest English language newspaper, The Sherbrooke Record and freelances for other notable publications. In addition, Christine is the creator, producer, and host of Run With It, which is Canada’s only running, fitness and health show, airing on Novus (TELUS) TV and YouTube channel. Christine’s other show on Novus (TELUS) TV and YouTube channel is The Closing Act, which profiles musicians, and other movers and shakers in the entertainment industry.
She is a regular contributor for Livid Magazine, NY City, and has written stories for The Seattle Times, The Vancouver Sun, Snowshoe Magazine, Canadian Running Magazine, Huffington Post, Women’s National Post, Optimize Magazine, iRun Magazine, and Get Out There Magazine. When she isn’t busy hosting and writing, she is running instructor at the University of British Columbia.
Thank you for making time to visit with us about the topic of our time. So, can you please tell me one or two life experiences that shaped who you are and ultimately how you got on your professional path today?
I’ve always had an interest and a passion for writing. Although I wasn’t the best writer when I was younger, I learned how to improve my craft despite never being fully satisfied with writing. I always keep working on it though. But I do have a love-hate relationship with it because I look back and there’s always something I love and another thing I want to change. But I suppose writing is really revising and revising more?
And as a natural extension of writing, I pivoted to broadcast media and started to interview others. I always had an interest in television. I remember watching David Letterman thinking, “Wow, how does he do that? How is he so funny, entertaining, and charismatic?” That’s where I drew my inspiration and learned all about hosting and being on television. As a result, I’ve been lucky enough to have worked for CBC TV News and was introduced to the right people ultimately landing my own television show.
But before I started writing and working in broadcast media, I had worked in forensic accounting. It was interesting and where I learned about law firms, lawyers, and the media. It was a good primer for me.
We all have myths and misconceptions about success. What are some myths or misconceptions that you used to believe?
There are quite a few but here are some of the ones I used to hold:
‘No is always a no.’ Just because someone says ‘no’ to you now doesn’t mean they’re going say ‘no’ to you again in six months’ time. It may be ‘no’ as I said for now but try again in a few months or a year. It must be the right time. You must have the confidence and courage to believe in yourself.
And another myth just, that it doesn’t take a team. I think you can’t do everything alone. You need a team and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask for help because I think you’ll be surprised because if you don’t ask, you won’t know, and those are my, you know, and it’s worked every time.
How has your definition of success changed over time?
I used to attach a monetary amount to it as a business owner but now I think it’s really knowing your product and your target market. Being successful in business is also about building relationships, as those relationships can open doors and provide a range of opportunities. Once you build those relationships, you start networking.
The pandemic, in many ways, was a time of collective self-reflection. What changes do you believe we need to make as a society to access success post-pandemic?
I think that what we need is to reinvent ourselves. I think we need to adapt because for me, I was doing a lot of in-person interviews. I thought “How am I going to adapt to zoom?” I had no idea what I was doing at the time. And I was just doing it all on my own, but that’s how you learn. That’s how you must help yourself to help others. Change is constant so embrace it.
What do you see as the unexpected positives in the pandemic? We would love to hear a few of your stories or examples.
Technology as I get to interview everyone all over the world. It’s exciting. I get to also do virtual speaking engagements. I don’t have to go into a classroom. I have more time to myself, to run, and to spend time with friends and family. But the only issue is that it can feel like an obligation at times because the host or coordinator may say that I am home and have the time. Technology has also enabled me to do everything from home such as buying groceries, paying bills, and talking on the phone.

We’re all looking for answers about how to be successful now. Could you please share “5 Ways To Redefine Success Now?” (Please share a story or example for each.)
This relates to founders and entrepreneurs; I would have to say:
1). Look at your business plan now because things change. Look at your short-term and long-range goals. See what has changed and adjust them accordingly.
2). Find a mentor. Find someone that you can trust. You may think, well, this mentor was great two years ago, but you’ve grown them. So, finding the right fit can bring your business big success.
3). Follow your passion. If you are passionate about something, then you will be able to work hard and put in the time to make it happen. It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see the results of your hard work right away. But if you are passionate about what you are doing, then it won’t matter how long it takes for success to come.
You need to find a way that works for you and your personality. If someone is not a “morning person,” then they should not try to force themselves into waking up at 5 am every day. Find what works for you and stick with it.
4). Learn time management skills.
The first thing that you need to do is to set up a schedule for yourself. This will help you manage your time effectively and efficiently. The schedule should include time for relaxation, study, work, and sleep.
It is also important to plan beforehand what you are going to do during each of these periods. For example, if you are studying, then it is a good idea to plan out your study schedule in advance so that you can allocate enough time for it and make sure that there are no gaps in between.
When it comes to managing your work-life balance, the most important thing is to prioritize the things that matter most in life such as family and friends over work. If possible, try not to overwork yourself because this will lead to burnout.
5). Never stop learning. Join different groups, meet different people, and strive to experience different things.
The world is changing at a rapid pace. The only way to keep up with it is to always be learning and adapting. When you learn new skills, you are more likely to find a job that is more fulfilling and pays better. You will also make new friends who are interested in what you like doing. When you learn about new things, you will get a better understanding of how the world works as well as what is happening in your own city or country.
How would our lives improve if we changed our definition of success?
To be successful means to succeed in some endeavor. It’s long been the goal for success for many people. Yet, the meaning of success should not be narrowly defined by one metric or goal. Successful living is a journey where one can define their own successes and figure out how one wants to live their life.
What’s the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of our redefined success? And what advice would you offer about overcoming those obstacles?
Most people are of the opinion that success is only achieved when one reaches a certain monetary goal. For example, some feel like they haven’t really made it until they’ve reached a figure that would make them comfortable. However, there are other aspects of business that should be taken into consideration that are equally important. These include work-life balance, doing something that you love and that makes a positive impact, as well as working with good people.
We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He, she or they might just see this if we tag them.
I’d say, Sir Anthony Hopkins. To me, he represents someone who is so talented. He’s great on stage. He plays music and he reads a lot. He’s so well-rounded. He’s more than an actor. He’s a humanitarian. I mean, that’s whom I would pick. I just admire him so much.
How can our readers get in touch with you?
My website and socials Instagram christineblanchette_tv and Twitter: @christineruns.
Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this. We wish you continued success and good health.