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EVERYBODY surely loves a gift. It could be represent how much the love for those. Gift exchange is a tradition for some people in some special moments and big day such as a Christmas. For many people, gift is more than just a stuff that has a more meaning for them
Gift exchange is also kind of social, cultural and also economics experience. It would maintaining social relationship and expressing the feelings for others. In addition, a traditions of gift exchange has continued for more than fourty years.
Meanwhile, The French Antropologist – Sociologist, Marcel Mauss (1954) in his essay state that gift-giving process is self-perpetuating system. Other side, those has been summarized in three types of obligation about gift-giving.
- The obligation to give
- The obligation to receive
- The obligation to repay
Besides that, a gift could be extremely representational and emotional to allowing givers to communicate something without use a words to talk with. The perfect gift must be represent of these things:
- Illustrate true giver sacarifice
- The givers only wish should be recipient happiness
- The gift is a luxury
- The gift is distinctively appropriate to the recipient
- The recipient is surprised by the gift
- The gift succeeds in pleasing the recipient
The Relationship
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If you want to give something special to those loved. There must be some connection between you and them or people would be achieved your gift. What you do to give a special thing for someone else never happen outside of your relationship. This is how a nature relationship could create initiative people to present something to you.
Picture source: Pinterest
There are two categories of gift-giving. First, gift would be given to them in formal event or occasions or ceremonies, such as Christmas, wedding and even birthday. It is a part or ritual of some people present gift for them whose celebrate it. And other one, is people who gift-giving in spontaneous.
Picture source: Pinterest
A gift that you presented to them, it will represent value to them too. It could be value in economics, social,expensive or sentimental. A getting expensive you give a gift to someone, indicate a deeper and strong relationship that you holds on to them. Actually, the value of gift is quite difficult to meansure, because it is about personal and subjective.
Picture source: Pinterest
Ussualy, we will find out the gift that suitable to given. Appropriateness would be key quality to present a special gift to them. It could be based on symbol of the relationship, life, history, or occasion.