It’s that time of year again- THE HOLIDAYS. The time when you eat too much, drink too much and exercise too little (except for all of the running around that you’re doing to get everything done).
For me the holidays have always represented a time of personal reflection. I think it’s also because my birthday is at this time of year as well.
Every year when I put my Christmas decorations away, I think of what will be going on in my life when I take them out the following year. I wonder if I will I have the same job, the same residence, be living in the same city? Perhaps a new and exciting person will come into my life and I always hope that the people that I have in my life will be there next year- happy and healthy.
And you know what? Every year I am surprised by how my life is when I take those decorations out. I am very blessed to have the life that I have and am thankful to be able to enjoy the holidays in whatever form they take.
I love everything about Christmas. So much so that every year in July or August I find myself starting to sing Christmas songs. It’s strange, but true. I love the music, the lights and watching the kindness of others. I also like watching Frosty, Rudolph and all of the other must see shows, spending time with family and friends, all of the food- OH, HOW I LOVE THE FOOD, going to movies and just enjoying the slow and relaxed pace.
I refuse to get stressed out over the holidays. I don’t want to miss out on the pleasures of this time of year and you never know what the next year will bring.
So, enjoy the holidays. EAT, DRINK, BE MERRY (in moderation) and just remember that I’ll be looking for you in the gym in January.
Originally published at on December 19, 2016.
Originally published at