You are what you eat: If you refer to this somewhat hackneyed saying “clean eating”, it means that you are fresh, light, natural, vital and a connoisseur. Clean eating is not primarily about losing weight but a more conscious diet. Nevertheless, the kilos tumble – simply because typical fasteners disappear. However, if you do it right, you will not miss anything. After all, there are also a lot of previously unknown foods to discover – a feast for the taste buds, which are gradually awakening from their amalgamate coma. We explain the ten basic rules of clean eating and show you what they bring.
1. Eat several small portions instead of three times papilled
When it comes to clean eating, you do not overload the digestive system with three luscious meals, but eat up to six small portions throughout the day: between the three main meals, you may like to have a snack – if you like. This keeps your metabolism busy and avoids hunger. The dinner should be the last meal, so no more treats in front of the TV, which burden the body overnight. The philosophy of many meals contrasts with another current nutritional trend: intermittent fasting . Here one waives the food for many hours, to give the digestion a break. Both approaches sound plausible, and ultimately everyone has to listen to his guts, Eating only when you are really hungry, intuitive eating, is the best idea anyway and has a lot to do with clean eating.
2. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, clean eating states. If you get a few bites in the morning, you should explain breakfast as a morning routine. Thus, the day can start with energy and directly stimulate the metabolism – ideally with a homemade muesli made from oatmeal, nuts and seeds and berries or fresh fruit.
3. No more sugar, at most honey and Co.
Sugar is an empty energy source, so has no nutritional value and sends our blood sugar levels on roller coaster ride. And that permanently, because now almost every processed food which is contained – even in natural yogurt, pay attention to it. It is well known that we are far too sweet and that diabetes and other diseases of civilization are on the rise. Avoiding industrial sugar means, in the first place, avoiding processed foods and, as far as possible, preparing everything yourself. If necessary you can sweeten with some honey, maple syrup, agave syrup, coconut blossom sugar or stevia, for example when baking. On the other hand, you should completely dispense with artificial sweeteners because they are suspected of influencing the blood sugar level even more than sugar and harming the organism.
4. Moderate handling of salt
Similarly, you should consider your salt intake: The body stores salt automatically in the kidneys, so to speak for bad times. In fact, they are no longer available, because today too much salt is contained in our food – especially in ready meals, Knabberkram, but also in sausage, cheese and bread. To balance the salt concentration in the body, the body stores water. Those who do not drink enough strain their kidneys and blood pressure. If even salt, then better choose natural crystal or sea salt, because there were no artificial substances supplied as a flow aid, which is also said to be harmful.
5. Processed foods and additives are taboo
Back to nature: All artificial additives such as colors, preservatives and flavorings are taboo in clean eating, because the body can not reasonably metabolize the chemistry. The lands then in doubt on the hips. Anyone who has ever dealt with food labels suspects: Stay away from everything that sounds complicated and carries cryptic E numbers. Also, flavor enhancers such as glutamate and yeast extract disturb our brain, so that we get used to the additives. Fortunately, there are now more natural organic products without additives. Otherwise applies:
Everything that consists of just one ingredient, or grows outside, can be eaten without hesitation: such as fruits, vegetables, rice, quinoa, millet and Co.
In addition, “clean eaters” disdain white flour, as it has been processed: vitamins, minerals and fiber are largely lost, and the fast carbohydrates churn up the blood sugar level again, so we quickly get hungry again. Who eats “clean”, buys either organic wholegrain bread or bakes itself, for example with spelled wholemeal flour. Pasta and rice are also allowed – but please also in the wholegrain version.
6. Combine protein with complex carbohydrates if possible
In order for the body to process protein better, nutritionists recommend that it is always consumed in combination with complex carbohydrates, ie whole grains, potatoes, rice or legumes. This combination regulates the metabolism, so cravings do not go hungry. Who wants to lose weight, but can do without carbohydrates in the evening. The best sources of protein can be found in our protein guide .
7. Enjoy abundant seasonal fruits and vegetables
Clean Eating focuses on seasonal fruits and vegetables, preferably in every meal. Did you know that Super food is also harvested here? Parsley, nuts and blueberries about. Take a look at a big weekly market, what is currently growing and growing. Or download the seasonal calendar app (for iOS and Android) from the Federal Office of Nutrition on your mobile phone for free: The practical shopping guide will automatically list all types of vegetables and fruits for the current month, which have a main harvest time and also provide you with an annual overview.
In clean eating, plants are given priority over the diet because they provide lots of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, but they’re low in calories. Nevertheless, it may also be a piece of meat or fish, preferably in organic quality.
8. Fat is not the same fat
Many people who want to lose weight generally think they should avoid fat. In fact, the body needs unsaturated fats for vital metabolic processes and the cells. These healthy fatty acids are found mainly in linseed oilseed rape and walnut oil, but also in coconut oil and avocados, nuts and fish. Hardened trans fats, however, you should avoid: They are in ready meals, chips, spreads but also pastries and are intended to promote cardiovascular diseases. Even saturated fats, such as those found in cream, cheese and sausage, are only to be enjoyed in moderation.
9. Drink a lot – but strictly speaking no alcohol
In order for the body to be able to send the many good nutrients to where they are needed, it needs enough fluid. Best without carbon dioxide, sugar, colors and additives, but for the taste but with a slice of untreated lemon, orange, ginger or cucumber. If it should be juice, then only self-pressed and even with tea, you pay attention to the biological origin. Who would have guessed: Alcoholic beverages are not intended for clean eating, after all, the drinks are mostly of industrial origin, and also slows down the alcohol metabolism processes in the body.
10. Consciously enjoy and listen to the body
In addition to one’s own body, it is also important to be careful with the environment and resources, ie to avoid unnecessary packaging and greenhouse effect. All this is a process and certainly does not work overnight, but exceptions are okay: Who likes is only “clean” on weekdays. Or you can stick to the golden 80-20 rule every day: Fast food, sweet sins, or toasting with colleagues is allowed when the diet is mostly right. The main thing is to consciously decide for each of his meals and enjoy them – that also means not to eat on the go and fast. Most people who get started with it eventually go clean-up of clean eating and the body, taste and eating habits adapt.
Conclusion: Clean Eating suits everyone
Clean eating is all about knowing exactly what is in the food: You can buy it to the best of my knowledge and conscience and prepare meals as often as you like – as a meal prep for the office. The body should be supplied with the best possible nutrients and be spared from chemical additives. This not only benefits the health, but also often improves the skin and body weight. Many people report that they have more energy and less headaches or digestive problems. At the same time, the environment is spared, if you refrain from processed or widely transported food.
You may be thinking of the Stone Age nutritional trend Paleo when reading the basic principles of clean eating: in fact, both dietary philosophies share the principle of feeding on natural, regional foods without additives – and preferably without greenhouse effects. However, clean eating is permissible for pulses, cereals, soy and milk products, but not for Paleo. Accordingly, clean eating is really suitable for everyone, including vegetarians and vegans – and after a bit of getting used to, definitely promises a good body experience.