Photo courtesy of Decorist

Christina Manzo knows how to turn a house into a home: by bringing wellness to the forefront in ways that truly enhance our lives. The Florida-based interior designer knows that there is ample science behind how our spaces impact us – from using natural products that don’t emit toxins to ensuring we have natural light and the soothing properties of natural elements surrounding us — and this steadfast belief shines through in the spaces she designs. 

Christina designs for the famed brand  Decorist, a professional online interior design service that pairs you with an interior designer that best reflects your style. And Christina’s style radiates a sense of calmness — converting simple living space into a luxury sanctuary to relieve stress and anxiety. 

I was able to chat about all things health, wellness, and interior design with Christina — sharing insider tips and tricks on developing a wellness-centered space. 

  1. Why does the look and feel of our personal space matter so much for our mental health?

For many of us, home is our sanctuary and safe space. It’s a place to recharge and reset from the stress, anxiety, and burnout of everyday life where we can relax and sit with our thoughts. The look and feel of our spaces play an integral role in how we will feel both internally and externally and how that affects our physical and mental well-being. Since this is our sanctuary and place of rest, our surroundings should mimic a calmness the moment we walk through our doors. A beautiful, refreshing, orderly, and inspiring space will embrace us and put our minds at ease, allowing us to feel safe and protected.

  1. How has practicing wellness helped you in your personal life?

Wellness has always been near and dear to my heart. It comes in many forms – from physically moving my body, eating healthy and vibrant meals, and taking the time to slow down and reflect. It also shows up in smaller ways, through fresh florals, the scent of pine, and a beautiful coffee table book. Adding these elements to my everyday life not only reduces stress and anxiety, but it makes me a better wife, sister, daughter, friend, and woman. It gives me time for myself to refresh and recharge, so I can show up for myself and others as the best version of myself.

  1. What are 3 simple design tips you can share with our readers to enhance wellness and happiness?

Tip 1: Always have fresh florals and a scent that makes you relax in the home. Florals invite the outside in; nature is so important to our wellbeing and scents often trigger nostalgic and calming memories!

Tip 2: Surround yourself with soft textures and colors that make you smile. Nothing soothes the soul more than a buttery throw blanket embracing you in a warm hug at the end of a long day. Colors are psychologically proven to affect our moods, so design your home with colors that energize you and bring happiness to your heart.

Tip 3: Organize your favorite spot. When everything has a place, your mind is calmer and your head is clearer. This can truly be a space to reflect and unwind. Organization can be beautiful as well – from rattan baskets, acrylic storage containers, and brass boxes for that old-world feel – whatever palette makes you refreshed, that will surely enhance your wellness.

  1. Please let us know anything else you would like to add!

As a bonus tip, I always love adding a piece of history to your space. This can be a vintage entry console, your grandmothers’ china, or simply a worn leather-bound book. Adding these moments of history into our spaces reminds us of strength and perseverance. It is taking a piece so loved and protecting it in our safe spaces, so that one day, that piece can bring love to another space. Wellness is as much about recharging ourselves personally as it is about recharging our surroundings and breathing new life into our past, present, and future.

  1. Your favorite quote

“A house is much more than a mere shelter—it should lift us emotionally and spiritually.” – John Saladino