Toxic energy is truly life draining. The sharp pains and stale energy can be felt as a heavy energy in one’s chest. Our breaths feel that lack of vitamins and fruitious energy. When it becomes entrapped within our energy fields, there can be difficulties in removing it. Very difficult.
One of the ways of preventing toxic auras from entering within our energy sector is connecting the dots concerning how the toxicities have entered into our sensory fields from the beginning. Could it have been television and musical content? That unhealthy energy spewn from words or negative energies? Is there the possibility that we have hung around certain low-energy individuals for just a tad bit too long? Those persons who have not done the holistic work of sustaining healthy energy among themselves, so that they can be a benefit and addition to other healthy individuals. Rather, they leech off of other people’s energy, in order to benefit from what they refuse to create (and channel) for themselves. Or could it have been that you have isolated yourself from that nourishing energy. Not getting enough oxygen. Sitting in front of the television for too long. Being unsocial. Whatever the case may be, the toxic energy is there. Time to go on a Spiritual cleansing, don’t you think?
1. Surround yourself with loving music or poetic words
One of the best ways to go on a toxic purge is to sit in the music. Sit in the words. Sit in the energies of musicians and poets, whose talents remind you of why you exist. Remind you of why you were born. Let the music and the words soak themselves into your interior, and exterior being. Soothing and healing the cracks, where toxicities have scratched scars. Allow such to nourish and cater to your Soul.

2. Touch Yourself
Yes! You read it write. Love, begins with self! It means that we can channel that love in our physicality. Whether it be rubbing our legs, arms, face, or stroking our hair. These actions are the epitome of self-love. It brings nourishment to our sensory. It should be no surprise of one of our 5 senses being that of. . .touch.

3. Speak loving thoughts-inside and aloud
Remember when we talked about the delicacies and gentility of words? The energies behind words and their power? Well, this is the perfect time to use them, in the elevation of self. Its the right time to attract the energy that we need. Attracting the energy, which brings us the spiritual essence and food that we are seeking. Its always important to be careful with our words. Guard them and nurture them, well.
4. Nature, Nature, Nature Heals
Yes! This has been stated before. So, we are going to state it, again. Being among plants, flowers, and loving animals will give us the foundation that we need. When all else fails, and we don’t know where to go in cleansing our energy from toxicity, we can always return to our natural element. Earth’s gentility and silence has a way of reminding us of who we are, and what we need.

5. Remove Toxic Matter
“Toxic matter” comes in different forms. It can come through people, spaces, or objects. In whatever forms they are, remove them, or remove yourself from them. Enough said. If it doesn’t feel good, most likely it probably. . .isn’t.

6. Eat For Toxic Removal
How, and what, we eat greatly impacts if we will enter a toxic state. White, processed sugars have a way of allow toxicity to enter into our physical, mental, psychological, and emotional well-being. If the fluids within our body are not getting the right juices, OR if we are not getting that proper nutrition, then knock, knock, those toxic patterns are coming to bolt right through our door. When we are eating our greens, and drinking our water, we just feel different. We feel as if we are in a peaceful state. So, eat well and eat, for mental wellness.

7. Play
We are never too young to play. So, yes! Let’s get out there and get involved in doing the things we did as children. Break a sweat. Have fun! Playing is exercise and you feel better knowing you did, just that.

8. Love Others From A Distance
Even though toxicity may occur in the form of family members, and you have to distance yourself from that, you can still send love their way. In this method, you are able to send positive vibes to inspire them to begin the work on getting on that same energy field. Simultaneously, you are protecting your energy, wellness, and self-love. Love em’ from a distance!
Removing Toxic elements, and transitioning out of a toxic state is never easy. It takes work, discipline, consistency, and self-love to do so. Furthermore, it takes being tired. Being tired from being in this state to begin with. The determination to exit out of it. Knowing what it truly means to have created a toxic-prone life!