Spring is upon us in the Southern Hemisphere. It’s my favourite time of year – the days are getting warmer and it’s the perfect time to get outdoors, enjoy nature and be a bit more active.

It’s the time when you suddenly get the urge to do some Spring Cleaning and get rid of the clutter in your home. It can be a very cathartic process. So, what if we applied that same process to our mind? What if we re-focused our energy on ourselves and de-cluttered our thoughts?

Research shows that clutter affects your brain’s ability to concentrate and process information, which has a flow-on effect on your mood and self-esteem. In a de-cluttered space, your brain doesn’t have to work so hard, which can leave you feeling more calm and energised.

Here are some of my top tips to help you de-clutter your mind:

Simplify your habits

We all live busy lives and have so much going on – work, kids, friends, family, partners, pets, sports, the list goes on. Our minds are constantly in overdrive, we are always thinking of the next thing we need to do. Quite frankly, it can be exhausting. A great way to clear out the clutter in your mind, is to take stock of your daily habits and find ways to simplify them. For instance, if you like to watch TV or play on your phone before bed, instead, switch everything off 10 minutes earlier and spend that time unwinding from the day. You’d be amazed at the difference it can make.

Keep a journal

There’s something very powerful about writing down our thoughts. It’s not something people often think to do. It’s a great way to help you better organise and understand your thoughts. It also takes them out of your own head and down onto the paper – almost like setting them free from your mind, so you can move on. It’s a really powerful way to de-clutter all the thoughts going on in your head. Try it at home and see what happens.

Set priorities and stick with them

Spend five minutes every morning taking stock of what you want to achieve for the day, the week, the month, and so on. Write down some goals and then hold yourself accountable to them. It is a great way to focus your mind on the things that actually matter, and clear out the things that don’t – i.e. the clutter. This will help you actively take charge of your life and give you a clear sense of purpose.

Be grateful

One of the most effective ways to clear out mental clutter is to say thank you. Just a general “thank you” to express gratitude for everything you are or aren’t, and everything you have or don’t have. It can either be a thank you to yourself, or even to someone else. Appreciating what’s around you and focusing on the positives of a situation, rather than the negative, can give you a great sense of mental clarity and make you feel a lot happier and at ease, as a result.

Learn to let go

When we hold on to things, it evokes feelings of stress, anxiety and clouds our mind. It stops us from moving forward and moving on. A really great way to de-clutter your mind is to learn to let go of things, understand why a situation has occurred, why you have reacted the way you did, accept it and move on. Learn to take control of the thoughts in your mind and only give power to the ones that are really important.

If you’re ready to de-clutter your life and get serious about your health and fitness goals, fill out the form below, and let’s have a chat.

Why not join our Facebook group Fit Living in 5 Minutes a Day for some great health, fitness and wellness tips to help you on your journey to healthier living. 


  • Helen Reed

    Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Transformation Coach

    Business Owner, Thought Provoker and Entrepreneur focused on holistic approach to mind body well being. Feature as a best selling author of "She Made it Happen" (2017) and recently launched a Corporate Women's Tribe - Motivated Mindful and Moving Women to build and drive positive connections of all like minded women

    She is a corporate businesswoman, a mum and owns her own business - Kappatalize Wellness.  She recently launched a Womens Tribe - Motivated Mindful & Moving Women for women who are overwhelmed and want to learn how to live their most authentic self by focusing on their health and well being through fitness, nutrition, natural living and mindfulness.

    She has worked in the corporate and consulting world for 15 years, focusing on how people shift their mindset when faced with challenging work environments.

    She is a successful motivational speaker and has even authored a chapter in the best selling series "She Made it Happen: 22 inspiring stories from female entrepreneurs around the world"

    She is also the owner of Kappatalize Wellness - a fitness, health and wellness business, where she works with both men and women to help them live the best life they possibly can, with a focus on healthy living through exercise, nutrition, mindset, mindfulness  and wellness programs.

    She is a qualified Change & Project Manager,  Personal Trainer, Bootcamp Trainer, Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach, NLP Certified and Mindfulness Certified Coach.

    When she is not working or running her own business, she is spending time with her young family, exercising, taking on challenging outdoor adventures,  playing and watching sports and living life :-)