Your instinct to all the COVID-19 news is probably telling to you panic right now, maybe even paralyzing you from any action other than watching Netflix and seeing what’s in fridge (on repeat). I know, I’ve been right there with you! Although I needed to give myself time to let it all sink in — doing nothing, only brought on more anxiety . So now, I’m back at it; after taking about 1,000 deep breaths, I realize what we need now is collective creativity as we problem solve to bring fresh ideas to the table; to help us get through this time as individuals, families, communities, and businesses.
Whether it’s quietly on your own, with your family, or a working team, the activities below can be great tools to move out of panicked paralysis and into creative solutions for any challenge you may be facing in light of this situation. And lets face it — we are all having challenges; and we could all use some creative thinking and community to help us get through!

This activity can be done in-person, but more relevantly now, via video conferencing.
Step 1. One person suggests a problem or challenge to work on.
Step 2. Everyone in the group can ask one clarifying question to better understand the challenge.
Step 3. Using a plain sheet of paper folded into 4 sections; each person draws one idea to solve the problem.
Each person gets 1 minute to show and share what they drew.
Step 4. The person who you are solving for, chooses 1–2 ideas they want to expand on.
Step 5. Each person now draws one idea to expand on each of the ideas the person selected.
Each person gets 1 minute to show and share what they drew.
You can continue this for as many rounds as you want, creating a discussion around possibilities and solutions!
Looking at this as a time to reset:
Ask yourself, your team, your family:
What have I (we) been curious about?
On a sheet of paper:
Write the word ‘CURIOSITIES’ in the center, and circle it.
Create as many idea branches as you can for 5 minutes.
Read and Reflect:
From the ideas that you wrote down, decide on 1–2 that you can take action on now. And for the ones that require more time … think of one small step you can take to start moving forward.

A Book Club.
Happy Hour.
Team Meeting.
It really doesn’t matter what the reason for meeting is; it’s the getting together, connecting, and sharing ideas that’s important.
Ideas for making virtually anything meaningful and productive:
- Have prepared questions to ask the group (and also be prepared to not get through all of them)
- Let each person have a designated opportunity to share; uninterrupted.
- Always end on a positive note!
If this situation has shown us one thing, it’s that anything is possible!

Using that same kind of thinking, ‘that anything is possible’; by yourself, or in a group, think of the wildest and craziest ideas you can come up with to overcome a current challenge or solve an immediate problem.
This should at least give you a good laugh. And sometimes, the craziest ideas lead to the best solutions!
There is a lot of uncertainty for many of us right now (if not all of us). In uncertainty, we face challenges.
And in challenges, there is possibility.
Watch my TEDx Talk: ‘What if?’ The Life Changing Power of Curiosity and Courage