We’ve most likely all done it many times: leaned against the open door of our closet blankly wondering what to wear and finding nothing suitable. Back in the day, people would lay out their clothes the night before in preparation for the next day. It was a time saver during a time when people had more of it. With our fast paced world, we are faced with various options that make it difficult to advance forward. We might work from home, roles might be reversed in terms of parenting, and we have to guide the hands of our children to work with fashion so they are comfortable. I have always felt that when we like what we wear, we feel better about who we are. I like to be comfortable in my clothes as much as my own skin!
Our schedules are more demanding as we stream along in daily life and we need to save time where we can. So I thought about this and personally tested several directions regarding saving time when dressing for the day. My way around this issue is to coordinate my closet by organizing the colors in order of how they make me feel. I do this on a day when I am in a particularly good mood and that promises to help me arrange my wardrobe intuitively, rather than emotionally.
Here are some tips on ways to organize your closet so you operate more efficiently and maybe even feel your best:
- Always think in terms of shades and keep shades together.
- Start with darker variations of colors in the back of your closet, and lighter shades colors toward the front.
- Divide your colors according to season for easy retrieval.
- Pay special attention to the colors that make you feel the best.
- Section off your closet in half: work clothes and play clothes.
The above may seem simple, however, that is the beauty of it. This system has the benefit of allowing you to save time, reduce stress and look fabulous all in one package. I can’t begin to tell you what it has done for me. And even if you have someone you have to share closets with, it will make that cohabitation all the more pleasurable because you lack the stress of a massive decision. I believe that when you look good, you feel good… and who doesn’t want to feel good?
Originally published at www.huffingtonpost.com