One of the beauties of color is how we wear them. Whether they are red, blue, purple, yellow, golds, silvers, and colors, untold. Colors are made for looking good. Of course! Yet, their presence gives us a unique method of keeping our well-being in tact; especially, during these current times. The current pandemic gives us the opportunity to transform our thinking of certain colors. In particular, that pertains to the color, blue. Rich and tranquil in its very foundation. Yet, it is often connected with, sadness. We can say the same regarding other colors, such as red. It being related to anger. Nevertheless, we are now in the perfect time in using colors for enriching our moods and keeping us active, while being inside. Transcending their traditional meanings. Giving them definitions of our own.
Colors have a way of getting us to connect with our healthier or vibrant selves. Testing out what looks good, but evenmore, what makes us feel good. Its part of this euphoria on what being alive, really means. Its a Universal effect. Radiating high energies and frequencies, in order to elevate yourself to new heights. Colors have their purpose for that.
Of further fascination is how different coloring reminds us of our connection to those vibes, which sustains life. Whether it be different foods, designs, or other elements. Colors reflect, and direct us to, those ideas, which could be beneficial to us, during this time. Like little directors, placed on maps, they give us directions into how one can navigate life’s spaces. Where we go, and which roads to turn on. They give us the satisfaction of knowing that they will also show up. We just have to change our minds in how we are interpreting their very existence. For example, have we ever asked ourselves what does it mean when a person wears the same color as we have selected, for that day? A random stranger, whom we bypass on the street? Or, let’s say a fellow colleague comes into the office, wearing the exact same color (or outfit). Does it mean that for that moment or day, you and that individual are connected to that same level?
Perhaps we can examine the world of food. Have you noticed how natural foods, bring forth an element of wholeness and completion? Have you observed how their colors reflect that? Now is the time for many of us to use colors as sources of empowerment for mental wellness. Experiment with them. Match them up. Its just a new way of creating during these current times. Keeping our energy up to par. In addition, its a way of ensuring that we are still moving even within stillness. Even when our movement patterns have been limited. Which comes to another point. Lessons that Universal coloring is still in movement.
One of the beautiful things about colors is that they bring forth a higher level of thinking. A greater awareness of self. This is extremely important when it comes to battling, and overcoming, depression in these times. In fact, its seeing that we are not “stuck,” which gives the vivacity needed to keep going. Movement is movement, even if in one space. The importance is to keep moving.
Whether it’s fashion, eating, changing colors in a particular room, painting, or whatever it may be, move with colors. Let them highlight all the joys of our lives. Every precious moment. That includes colors not associated with the concept of happiness. Play with colors, and watch them color our lives!