As part of my series featuring the rising stars in the music industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing composer Kian Darat. Kian Darat is the fourth child of the family. He was born on the 21st of March,1985 in Gorgan province of Iran. He is an Iranian composer, Songwriter and Multi-instrumentalist and has been working professionally in this branch of music for 15 years.
Aakash Kumar Jha: Kian please tell our reader about your Professional life.
Kian Darat: I graduated from the Azad University in Microbiology in the year 1388. Some of my interests include sports such as Breakdance (b-boy), Hip Hop dance, Skateboard and full Contact karate and semi Contact karate and mentioned travel and nature tourism.
I started playing the Setar at the age of 15 and was encouraged by my older brother named Keyvan, who first bought the instrument and introduced it to me.
I started my professional career with Saman Jalili. It was from there that his acquaintance with Hamed Baradaran was formed
I consider Ali Cheraghali, Saman Jalili and Hamed Baradaran as musician point and entering the music scene. Due to the artist’s mastery of playing about 20 instruments in the studio, many collaborations were formed between Hamed Baradaran and me.
My specialized instruments are Setar. Till now I played more than 3000 music tracks in my resume. one of my most famous work is: track Eshghe to/Gooneh singing by Amir Abbas Golab and Track Delbare nab singing by Nasser Zeynali.
He has cooperated with Arab and Turkish Singers like Humood alkhudher and Nahide Babashli. His goal is to work in international and global space.
He wants to introduce the instruments Setar, Oud and Rubab in the western music of the world and promote innovations in the western classical music and introduce Setar instrument.
Aakash Kumar Jha: What’s your new upcoming goal for the upcoming year?
Kian Darat: My other goal is in Iranian music, together with two of my friends (Farzan Zahmatkesh & Shams Fenderski), I decide to bring a series of Iranian music with a new style and atmosphere and personal arrangement to the music market.
This is a new form of traditional Iranian music and instrument that will definitely be of interest to all age groups.
One of the most important plans ahead is to send the music and albums of my siblings (Keyvan, Youna, Kiana)to the music market which I’m currently working on.
Aakash Kumar Jha: If you’re great, people will find you.
Kian Darat: Going back to the first point, yes building relationships is vital, but prioritize being great. If only one agency or client knows you, but they know you to be great, sooner or later people are going to know.
Aakash Kumar Jha: If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. ?
Kian Darat: Since I don’t have world hunger-ending answers (though I wish) I did, it’d be creating a score to remember, something that touches people.
Aakash Kumar Jha: What gives you energy?
Kian Darat: At the point when I’m on a phase a before a group of people I feel the vitality coursing through me, it’s such a benefit to me that I’m ready to follow up on organizing and be free. That being stated, the opportunity is the thing that gives me most vitality, the capacity to follow my heart and enthusiasm.
Aakash Kumar Jha: What is your greatest hope for the future? What is next for Javad Safaee?
Kian Darat: My most noteworthy expectation is that I get the chance to develop more in my vocation as a what my professional is. since I totally love what I do. Since I don’t have a crystal ball indicating me my future, I don’t have a clue what’s up straightaway. I will see and accept it as it comes.