Four years ago, I suffered from severe postpartum depression. I had no idea that could happen to me. I had no idea what was happening to me. All I knew was that something was wrong with me because I was the only one who didn’t experience the magic of motherhood. I know now that’s not true. I know now that hundreds of thousands of new moms suffer from postpartum depression each year. Many just don’t talk about.

In honor of Mental Health Awareness month and because maternal mental health matters, I’m sharing the heartbreaking thoughts that constantly filled my mind while I was sick. I hope that if I share, so will you. We can be brave together and shed more light on this taboo subject of motherhood.

Here are several postpartum depression confessions, from me, The Medicated Mommy.

Postpartum depression told me so many lies.

Postpartum depression convinced me I didn’t want to be a mother.

Postpartum depression made me feel like I had to hide my feelings.

Postpartum depression made me question everything I thought I knew about motherhood.

Postpartum depression convinced me I would stay sick forever.

Postpartum depression made turned me into a beggar.

Postpartum depression made me ask “Why?”

Postpartum Depression showed me the necessity of getting professional treatment.

Postpartum depression taught me the importance of taking care of myself so I could take care of my baby.

Postpartum depression taught me I wasn’t alone.

Postpartum Depression led me to accept and fall in love with the mom I was, not the one I belived I should have been.

At some point, all of us will know a new mom suffering from some form of postpartum depression. It’s up to all of us to educate ourselves so no new mom suffers in silence. Click here to receive your free copy of my WTF are Postpartum Depression and Anxiety: The Friends and Family Guide For How to Help, What to Do and What Not to Say.

Originally published at


  • Jen Schwartz


    Jen Schwartz, also known as “the medicated mommy,” is the founder and CEO of Motherhood Understood, a platform, community, and story-sharing hub for women affected by pregnancy and postpartum mental health issues that she created after surviving postpartum depression and anxiety with the birth of her son, and realizing just how many mothers suffer in silence like she did. She built Motherhood Understood to provide women and their families with education, resources, connection, and support so that no mother has to experience a mental health illness in isolation and all mothers get the help they need to feel well and have the motherhood experience they deserve. Jen is a professional speaker, writer, moderator, consultant, spokesperson, and thought-leader committed to shining the light on the darkest of places, where maternal mental health taboos have been hiding out, trying to make mothers believe they are not enough and all alone. In addition to running Motherhood Understood, a highly-engaged community of over 65,000 women, Jen writes a monthly column for Thrive Global, and her work and expert commentary can be found all over the mommy blogosphere and on popular websites such as Forbes, Healthline, The Mighty, Romper, Motherly, The Bump, Happiest Baby, and more.