Have you ever wondered why others are ignoring you? Have you seen other people around you, receive joy, kindness and warmth without asking? Did you ever think why they receive love and not you? Well it may seem obvious to you, but it’s not that simple. Learning to love oneself is one of the largest problems society faces today. Conflict all over the planet directly results from a lack of harmonic energy flowing between ourselves and the Universe. Loving yourself and receiving love can be compared to a “chicken or the egg” dilemma. Sometimes we just can’t determine which came first. Let’s examine this more.
Just for clarity, let’s first divide love into two forms. The love you hold for yourself we can call “Self-love.” The love you receive by friends, strangers or cocker spaniels we can call “other love.” These two forms of love want to be together. Although they constantly search for each other, sometimes they can’t find each other. The most important person who can love you is you. Nothing nor nobody else can show you the love you have for yourself. And if that love isn’t within you, the “other love” will never find you.
You must first feel love yourself and put that energy into you. Make it the source of your power. How can you produce this energy? Gratitude is the key. You must have and show gratitude for your life. Be thankful for the same energy that brings a sunny day as the energy that brings a smile. Don’t focus on what you want, but what you already have. Feel the joy that comes with what you have. Don’t compare what you have to that of others. Don’t allow the love for yourself to be determined by others. Self-love is about your own special relationship with you. Energy will be created; whether you demonstrate self-love or not. Like a magnet, you will pull into you more of what you “feel” inside; whether it’s positive or negative.
Energy is within us and we put it into everything we do. Our actions and the products from them carry our energy. When we put self-love into what we do, our actions and products carry our love as well. It will be seen and other-love will connect with us too. The two will harmonize and reveal a greater abundance in our lives. Don’t search for it nor wonder when it will come. Once you stop chasing that love, it will come to you. Like the sun, love will orbit your life like the planets among us. Just show gratitude and the Universe will give you more to have gratitude for.