In my last article, we explored how slowing down helps us recognize patterns of doing vs. being.
Making a conscious choice to slow down is not easy because it’s a change in our patterning, our routine, what feels familiar. That’s why it’s important to be conscious, aware, and willing to change. Do you know how courageous you are? Yes, I’m talking to you.
You’re walking a path of conscious self-care that takes a lot of courage to:
- Say YES to yourself.
- Make different choices.
- Expand your perception.
- Change what’s familiar.
- Turn the mirror within and see yourself
When I was walking my journey to love with breast cancer, many old beliefs, subconscious patterns, and unexpected questions came up:
“When did I forget my connection with myself?”
“When did I start taking care of others before taking care of me?”
One of my big aha moments came with the realization that I forgot my connection to myself when I became a mother.
When our first son was born all of my attention, focus, concern, love, everything was focused on him. Even my body became something out of my control as I chose to breastfeed on demand, and I loved every minute of it. However, because I wasn’t conscious of what was happening within me, it took a long time to remember how to love myself again.
Below is an excerpt from my book, Loving Life…All of It – A Walk with Cancer, Compassion, and Consciousness:
Life Lesson 10:
Listen, Trust, and Choose That Which Is Most Loving and Supportive to Me

Journal Entry: February 13, 2011
“Daily routine is taking shape…I feel like I’m in some sort of initiation process that allows me the opportunity to truly choose what’s most supportive for me at all times… it’s a different place to stand and choose from for me.
Journal Entry: February 20, 2011
During my walk, it became clear that EVERYTHING I’m doing are things I’ve known about for years and my mind wanted me to ‘think’ that just because I knew about them, that was enough. The opportunity to actually EXPERIENCE these wonderful expressions of self-care is priceless. I would NEVER have taken the time to give myself what I’m giving myself now…complete awareness of what most lovingly supports me in each moment…WITHOUT THE GUILT!! OK…maybe there’s a twinge of guilt because I have become a bit obsessed, but it vanishes pretty quickly.
I was talking with a friend today about how so many people view self-care as being selfish, so when someone starts taking care of themselves and someone else makes a comment, it’s hard to continue…been there, done that. Now, the level of connection is soooo much deeper. All of my choices are being made with an awareness that they are supporting my Soul’s desire to express through my physical body. The clearing is cellular and all my new cells are coming into form in a body that is more aligned with my truth and love of who I am.
Don’t get me wrong…this is not easy…the clearing of old cellular/ancestral patterns takes patience, compassion, and discipline…and sometimes it’s really uncomfortable as the body releases the energy. John and I were talking this morning about Soul Work and the commitment it takes to one’s SELF in order to awaken that connection. It humbles me to realize that for the past 25 years I “thought” I was doing Soul Work….deep inner exploration…when now it’s clear that that was only preparation for now…layers needed to dissolve, beliefs needed to release, perceptions needed to shift, compassion needed to awaken in order for me to even begin touching the depth of my purpose. With each day, the journey deepens…
Quiet Time for Reflection:
If you feel comfortable moving into this experience, close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose; hold for a few moments then exhale through your mouth slowly. Repeat a few times.
When you feel calm and relaxed allow the word “BLESSED” to come forth from within you. How does this word feel to you?
Now allow the phrase “Listen, trust, and choose that which is most loving and supportive to me” to come forth from within you. How does this phrase feel to you?
Take a few moments to write down any feelings, thoughts, insights, and connections that come to your awareness.”
We’ve all heard it before, when we focus on taking care of ourselves, we’re better able to care for others; but finding that balance isn’t easy. Being aware of where we place our attention is another step on this journey of conscious self-care.
Below is a short video that reminds us that it’s our choice where we place our attention:
Remember: Self-care happens one conscious choice at a time.
I’m grateful to walk this journey with you.
Loving Life…All of it,
Amy Camie, CCM
This article was originally published on The Wellness Universe
Contact Amy to schedule a “Conscious Self-Care” Seminar