Consciousness, our capacity for conscious awareness, is cosmic not personal and it’s everywhere, inside and around all of us.
An all-experiencing consciousness field-organism, a consciously aware space, exists throughout the Universe and inside each one of us.
This cosmic organism of consciousness provides us with our conscious awareness.
Our human brain, immersed in this spatial consciousness, processes the data emerging from our body senses and places conscious field-awareness within the context of our unique human body.
If we look very closely at our brain and the other human body tissues and organs inside us, we discover that the bio-molecules they’re made from are actually clusters of localised vibration in a cosmic field that extends throughout all the space in the Universe.
This field exists inside all of us and if we take a focus of attention inward we can connect into it, intuitively know it and sense that it’s consciously self-aware, a spatial self-knowing consciousness.
This one conscious space, which seems to exist inside and around all of us and everywhere throughout the Universe, finds its way into our everyday life in the world through our intuition.
If we pay attention to the spacious presence of this cosmic intelligence within ourselves, we can find a realisation within us of the coherence and non-locality of this field-intelligence, the way that it holds everything in the Universe together as one whole and is aware all at once simultaneously-everywhere throughout itself.
One conscious, no-boundary spatial intelligence, which exists prior to thought, seems to be present in all space and to be where all seeing, knowing and experiencing occurs.
Consciousness seems to be an attribute of a living cosmic intelligence-organism in all space in the Universe, a non-local, all-experiencing field-awareness, knowing all experiencing everywhere simultaneously as one knowing.
This spatial cosmic intelligence seems to be the primary stuff of the Universe and everything visible is a continuously generated expression of it, a realtime vibrational altering of itself that allows it to become visible and touchable as trees, flowers and human beings.
Like music made visible, each one of us seems to be a visible materialisation of the streaming flows of vibrational information emerging out of cosmic intelligence.
A cosmic intelligence which is bringing all of us and our whole world into being out of the stuff of itself by continuously transforming cosmic energy into the dynamic quantum field-patterns that appear to us to be solid, material stuff and living beings.
Cosmic intelligence, which fills all space everywhere, is expressing itself as a visible world by facilitating the continuous dynamic emergence of clusters of three dimensional, quantum-scale resonance vibrations, which we interpret with our senses as the branch of a tree or the shape of a flower.
Within each one of us, it’s continuously transforming cosmic energy into the streaming emergence of dynamic field-fluctuations we call cell biochemistry.
The coherence and exquisite dynamic-orderedness of cell biochemistry seems to reveal that an intelligent orchestrating influence is organising and arranging the bio-molecules that are continuously coming into existence inside a living body cell.
Intuitively realising ourselves and the whole visible Universe around us to be a continuously generated realtime expression of cosmic intelligence helps us have a larger sense of ourselves as living human beings.
~We can bring this intuitive realisation into our daily life by taking a focus of attention inward.
~The focus of our attention, like the rays of light focussed into a high intensity point by a lens, has an actual location in the space that surrounds us.
~If we pause from reading for a moment, we can take the location of this point-focussed attention away from the words on our screen and move it into the inner core of ourself.
~We can gently hold this focus of attention in the inner core of ourself and allow our thinking to subside.
~Our attention is now focussed within a conscious, self-aware space which seems to be not only inside us, but everywhere throughout the Universe.
We can begin to know ourselves as cosmic intelligence expressing itself as a living being and this can help us both live better and re-consider our notions about dying.
Intuitively knowing the cosmic field-intelligence helps us realise that it is consciously aware of the birth, life and death of all of us everywhere within itself.
We might reasonably consider that dying within this conscious cosmic space is a dissolving into an immense cosmic intelligence that we suddenly recognise and know.
A cosmic intelligence which has consciously known each one of us, throughout every moment of our life, as an expression of itself.
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