Last week I decided to bake homemade oatmeal cookies for my son, but it was cold and dark outside and I didn’t feel like driving to the store to buy the brown sugar and raisins that the recipe called for and my pantry lacked.
Rather than give up, I pulled an “old school” cook’s move and substituted with what was on hand.
The all-purpose sugar and pure vanilla extract worked wonderfully, and though the cookies weren’t as “tan” as usual, the way they quickly vanished were proof that they were a hit. (He asked for more this weekend.)
So what’s the moral of this Monday Morning Musing? This right here:
Conditions won’t always be perfect. Everything you think you must have to succeed won’t be on hand. But leap anyway.
Make trial-and-error tweaks as needed. Operate in excellence.
Embrace imperfections that arise as your unique offering to the process.
Believe. Press on. Enjoy the journey.
Birth that vision. Give hope to others who are watching you.
If you’ll just get started, the rest will unfold when needed – or turn out better than you could have imagined.

Originally published at