As the world calls us to attention, demands us to be present and forces us to acknowledge the things that are of real importance, let’s remember the others; the lowly paid cleaners, dustbin men, post men, street cleaners, nurses, health care workers, bus drivers, shop, factory and warehouse workers… let’s care, think about, and say a pray for them.
I spoke to my post man this morning and thought about the others, you know, the ones we mostly ignore, that is until COVID – 19 thrust them centre stage. Ones we seldom think about or talk to, because we’re not where they are, don’t know what they know, haven’t felt what they feel. The ones that existed even before COVID – 19.
Yes, these ones.
The migrants unable to clearly communicate in the tongue we presumptuously demand everyone else to understand. The guys that mix the mortar, placing brick upon brick for a miserly sum, building houses that they will never have the luxury of living in. The Unnoticed beings that sweep the corridors of the office block and the School corridors, after the important ones have vacated the premises.
Overhearing people express their thoughts on relationships and community life after COVID -19, I secretly pray that these recalibrated expressions of hope for reformation are not just wishful thoughts; that we will be intentional about looking out for our elderly neighbours and vulnerable citizens post COVID, that this whole ‘clap for the NHS’ furore won’t fizzle out with the demise of Rona.
Thinking about the vulnerable, I don’t suspect God sees the broken, hurting ones like we see them. I’m convinced He sees the beneath the surface layer reasons, I guess that’s why He repeatedly pulled people up for judging. Only He knows the journey each individual has travelled; the root of the reason for the behaviour that is nothing but the branches of seeds, that were embedded deep into the human psyche, causing dysfunction.
The drug addicted, alcoholic ones, like fishes lured to a hook by fishermen’s bait; emaciated, with words spoken on a slur. The promiscuous teen and prostitutes that devalue their own worth, ready to spread their legs for all a sundry… the darkness runs deep through our souls.
Just like posterity looked forward excitedly to the end of the 2nd world war, I’m sure no doubt, with anticipation for a new and better tomorrow, let’s determine to be different; to play our part in the quest for change, each one, in our little corners of the world.
The world’s wars ended, complacency set in again and with it, the ills that plagued society prior to the upheavals of war, crept back into the hearts of men. We forgot our resolves, embraced greed, materialism, murder, slander, racism, criticism and perversion… seems like God’s giving us another chance to get it right this time – Capiche?