Are there any negative health issues that people get when they don’t think about retiring and saving money?
It doesn’t happen to everybody, but there can be side effects to your health. One mental side effect is being stressed about your money issues, which can lead to other negative effects.
What mistakes do people make when it comes to the topic of retirement?
One big mistake is they most people wait just too long to think about their retirement. They are 40 or 50 years old when they think about this topic or even close to their retirement and then it is almost too late.
What advice would you give people who are just starting out with this topic?
Start early and be consistent about your retirement plans. Make sure that you think about the lifestyle that you want later in your life and create a plan to achieve it.
What are the key points of your new book that busy reader should get?
It is really about forming new and better money habits. One way, f.e. Is working on your money journal and keeping track about your expenses.
You can find more information about Bill Bloom and his book “Money Habits for Success” on his website: http://www.retireasyoudesire.com/