As the world continues to grapple with an epidemic, that few understand, or are even prepared for, there is much panic in the air. So much fear, which has been projected, upon the masses. Media has its role to play. Every morning, afternoon, and night, one will view that scary C word, that many do not want to hear. Popping up left and right, the C-word is being spoken of, in the same way that it is being spread. Many communities are on high alert, as we are told of the uncertainties and the possibilities of things “getting worse.” Panic mode continues to increase, and citizens (especially, in the US) are being advised to stock up on food, supplies, preparing for the worst. Its as if we are being given the image, that we will become prisoners within our own homes.

One of the beautiful images, which is not being told about in many of the mainstream news outlets, or even the healthy living ones, is how the corona epidemic is a perfect time for us to assess and analyze innovative and creative ways of transforming our homes into adventurous wonderlands. Spaces and places that we would never want to leave, even once things go back to normal. Now, is not the time to panic, or to fall into a steep depression, simply because we are restricted to our residential, living spaces. On the contrary, this is a time for one to see just how creative and phenomenal one can be!

Don’t allow the corona epidemic to stop you from pursuing those dreams that you had planned for the 2020 year! If anything, being inside should allow you to become more disciplined, tactful, and creative in how you plan to achieve them. Homes should be spaces of comfort and pleasure! Even during an epidemic, staying home for days or weeks should not cause a stifling in the pleasures and comforts that you desire. With that being said, here are 10 healthy ways that we can find comfort in our homes, or residential, living spaces, during the Corona epidemic.

1. Re-organize your home

You remember all of those really cool ideas you had, in wanting to re-organize that certain space in your home or apartment? Well, now is the time to get to those tasks. Do you recall that space in your home, that you wanted to restructure a little better? Or that moment when you wanted to try out how your desk would look in a certain spacing? Try to take another look at those small home projects. You may just get some new ideas, regarding how you can add more dimension, spacing, or color to your home.

2. Book Reading

My, how our minds begin to work when they are. . .silent! Reading stimulates the mind and gets us working on those mental exercises. Exercises where we are able to go into our inner core. Being in the protection and care of books allows us to delve further into other worlds. We can go into a mental journey. We can travel, mentally. And, it is through the mind, where we are no longer. . .confined. Go through your mini-library. Grab a nice cup of tea or what have you, and allow yourself to feel comforted in knowing that you are able to venture into other worlds.


3. Journal Time

In the time of any crisis, one has the opportunity to center themselves through writing. Honing in our thoughts in a time of fear is something, which continues to be a therapeutic endeavor for the culture of humanity. Keeping journals or diaries, during times of crisis, has been one of the creative coping strategies of humanity. Write down your thoughts. Highlight your fears. And, of course, express your joys! Be diligent in documenting these current realities. Let future generations know how you felt, during these times.


4. Meditation

Another opportunity to get centered, on a spirtiual level, is using this current, corona epidemic, as a way to become disciplined. Clearing one’s psyche, re-freshing one’s pscyhe, is a way for one to be able to release control; while gaining. . .some. We can’t control what already happened. Yet, we can control what we know. So, let’s keep ourselves clean, safe, and protected. Eat well. Sleep well. Meditate well in knowing that these current times, will end.


5. Dance To the Music

Alright. You can’t go outside, very often. And you, especially, can not go to the Friday night clubs, or social hour, as you normally do. Bummer! Well, look at it this way. At least you can get a break, and strategize on that new outfit, you can wear, when the coast is clear. Just look at this time as a club retreat, and planning. You can think about how you will make your grand entrance, when the clubs finally open back up. Until then. . .dance! Catch up on the old tunes, and the new. You’ve always wanted to be a better dance, right? Well, now is your time to practice. Flip through those dance tutorial videos, and get to work. Your in-time, is your practice time. So, make it happen!;)

(Senior couple dancing, Source:.

6. Create A New Dish

You remember those times when you wanted to get in the kitchen and experiement, a little. Well, you have time, now, don’t you? Go online, get some inspiration, and create your own dishes. Take pictures of them when you are done. Present them on social media. Who knows? Working from home, with the current epidemic, may direct you to a new income base, or career.


7. Making Film Night, Every Night

You remember all of those times, when you missed out on watching a really cool movie, or going to the movies, because you had to. . .work? Now, is the time for you to catch up, and polish up, on your film her/history. Create your own movie nights! Grab your popcorn, pop in a film (Netflex, or what have you), relax, and enjoy! Which means next time, you get the opportunity to go to those social events (when the coast is clear), you can rely on your mental database of film knowledge, to keep others. . .entertained!

8. Learn A New Language

There is no excuse to be bored, during this current time. Which means that it is important to. . .keep learning. You remember when you took that trip to Mexico, and how embarassed you felt that you couldn’t communicate with the local population? Or those memories in your 11th grade high school French class, where you could have gotten a higher grade on your final exam? Well, now you can definitely re-deem yourself. Choose a language, go online (whichever software of your choosing), and get to studying. Dedicate pershaps 5 new words that you can learn each day. Get your mind right. You may just be able to impress the boss, when office time opens up again!

9. Get in touch with family members and friends

Call those family members, whom you have not spoken to in a while. Even old classmates, or what have you. Call others. Let them know that you are thinking about them. Relinguish on old memories. Laugh. Just because you are shut in physically, doesn’t mean you have to be shut in emotionally, mentally, or spiritually!

10. A Taste Of Art

Positive affirmations go a long way. Turn off the television! Watching media, whose only purpose is to scare you, does not serve you. Laugh! Connect with the latest craze of creative content, and see how you can contribute. Get together some crayons, colored pencils, or paint (if you have some) and create! Draw beautiful things. Paint colorful things. Allow yourself to feel good, by simply. . .creating!

Artist family (Source:.

Yes! It is true. We are living in the time of corona. That doesn’t mean we have to be prisoners to it. Let’s continue to exude the power of happiness. After all, the purpose of any plague or epidemic is to destroy it. The initial phase of destruction is. . .fear. Through fear, its speed of destruction is increased. Be courageous! We are all in this together. We will get through it, together! So. . .get creative, get comfortable, and live, in the time of. . .corona!