Are you happy today? Will you be able to be happy 1 year down the line, provided all the things that needs to happen, will happen the way you expect it?
We are often caught up in the trap of postponing happiness, putting conditions and rules to it. Is it really possible to be happy, when you achieve the things you have planned? Why don’t we start now?
There is a fear lurking
I believe we need to start sending thank you to the universe for taking such good care of us till
now. We may begin by lifting the conditions to be happy and choose to be simply happy for no reason. One way we could start doing this is by acknowledging the good in our life and increase the volume, brightness and audio quality of this good that we have now identified. Just imagine a knob near your hand and turn it towards the maximum.
What are 5 things that you are thankful for today? It could be a nice lunchbox, a flower pot, or the fragrance of your new perfume. It could be anything.
Now with the 5 things you have just identified, write down what does it give you. Say for instance a nice lunchbox may give you nourishment and mindfulness. So what is it that these
things give you?
Now identify the areas in your life you want to find some concrete changes, come up with some measurable solutions. Be as specific as possible. Find a buddy who will follow up with you on these changes you are committed to.
Now with respect to this what would your day look like if you were able to achieve these solutions which you just defined?
Gratitude makes you strong and beat the fear in the gut. Remember it’s your choice, be wise.