‘Health is wealth’ is one of the most used proverbs that almost all of us have come across it at some point in our lives.At times it may sound a little cliché, butis the phrase really overhyped?
For most of mankind, health refers to the well-being of the physical state of the body. However, it is just one aspect of health, and the other aspect is mental health. People are generally more focused on physical health and do not pay enough attention to their mental aspect of health. It is important for people to understand that a person is only healthy when both of their physical and mental health is in a state of well-being, especially in these times of COVID.
What Is Mental Illness?
Mental illness means one’s inability to manage his or her own thoughts, emotions, and behavior. There are various reasons that can trigger mental health issues in a person, such as an imbalance in biochemical, social situations, genetic cosmetics, etc. According to Darius Jasinski, mental health is equally and at times more important than physical health. It is so because mental health is not visible, and medical tests cannot detect mental illnesses. Hence diagnosis and understanding of these illnesses become more complex. These illnesses include stress, panic attacks, anxiety, fears, depression, etc.
How Has COVID-19 Caused an Upsurge in People’s Mental Health Issues?
The outbreak of coronavirus has brought about immense anxiety and stress among people. Due to the pandemic, most countries have opted for lockdown; thus, people have lost out on their social lives. People have lost their loved ones to the virus. With the world coming to a standstill and with most of the businesses stopping their operations, many people have faced salary cuts, while others have lost their jobs and are struggling to make their ends meet. Economies of many countries have been hit hard.
So concerns regarding physical health, financial blocks, and mourning personal losses have resulted in increased anxiety. Governments have been able to halt the physical effects or spread of the virus with quarantining, but experts predict it may have long-term mental health effects on the society.
How Has COVID-19 Caused Anxiety?
Humanity has been taken aback by the pandemic. There are various reasons behind people being so fearful of the current situation. Hundreds of thousands of people have died in a very brief time period. The passing and contamination of the disease to other people is very easy, which is adding on to the existing panic and anxiety in people. These are the times of uncertainty, with the widespread disease and no definite vaccination has further stressed the people out. Children are having online schools and colleges, which is compromising with the quality of the education. Most people have suffered pay cuts, and many have lost their source of income; thus, they are in a perilous state, contributing to their mental health. Some of the organizations have predicted a suicide pandemic post-COVID-19, owing to a significant rise in mental health illnesses.
How Can You Treat These Illnesses at the Present Time?
If you are suffering from anxiety, stress, or any other mental health condition, you can treat it by bringing in some lifestyle changes. You should start practicing yoga, meditating, and doing breathing exercises. These are extremely helpful and effective, and there are scientific proofs of the same.
The duration of healing varies from person to person, as does the degree of the illness. It is always preferable to get help from professionals, and it is better to have an online appointment at this time.