We are already in the last quarter of the year 2019, Only couple of months left in the year.
The year is not done yet, it still has promising time to review your written goals and take massive action towards the realization of the year goals.These in turn help us in achieving long term goals. To sustain the momentum, motivation year long on the path of achieving goals, we must focus on each day & actions we are taking towards the realization of the year goals / long term goals.
Many successful people, attribute their success to following a daily routine. Routine in the form of empowering habits which sets the tone for the day. They focus either morning’s & evenings and perform,take required actions on a daily basis.
Morning Habits of most successful people ( R.I.S.E )
They R.I.S.E Before the Sun rises in the east
R- Reading Goals / Inspirational Content – Each morning they warm up their mind & body by reading their goals and reading Inspirational content. This set’s the tone for the set of the day for a Positive outlook.
With this single habit with in you enough dopamine hormone gets released and set’s you into the league of top 5% of the population, who have written goals and achieve them.
I – Imagination / Visualize – They allocate time to imagine, visualize the day in advance , think creatively,foresee the challenges for the day.
S- Sit in Silence / Meditate – They understand the power of quieting the mind. Any meditation technique which works with mental Purification would be wonderful to start your day. 20 Min in the morning can Power up your day with Peace and Happiness. After every sitting of meditation and few minutes practice of giving good wishes to others who are connected with you in life at home and at work , can create a powerful, spiritual atmosphere. This way you are qualified to receive Oxycontin hormone with in you to power up your day..
E- Exercise – They sweat it out every morning, they know being fitter is the game changing habit and competitive advantage at the work places. Exercise is like warming up the for the body for the day’s challenges. We all know, health is wealth, however very few are willing to take time to play any sport / exercise daily. Allocating 20 Min for doing exercise, playing sport, each morning is the mantra for magical day ahead. Enough endorphin hormone gets released with this exercise work.
Research says that, early risers are more productive at work, happier in life. These habits shall give you a enough D.O.S.E of hormones to propel your days into productive professional.
Some people do most of their core work, important work late evening. They can look at implementing, inculcating following habits, to maximize their day.
G- Goal Journal / Gratitude Journal – Writing down the actions taken for the day towards the one’s goals attainment is the antidote to worry, fear and future anxieties. Similarly writing down what you are grateful for the day, could be as simple as having a meal with the family together, calling a friend whom you have not spoken / met for a while. Science also supports this fact of , people who take time to feel & think grateful about the things they have, People they are associated with are blessed with abundance in every aspect of their life.
With this gratitude habit, you are serving yourself to be great & optimistic person. This habit enables enough serotonin levels makes you happy working through the day
T – Three things for tomorrow- Successful people knows the importance of planing for tomorrow. Writing down three things for tomorrow, is the sure shot way for achieving one’s goals faster. What ever you plan late evening before going to the bed, acts as a food for the subconscious mind and it empowers you with all the tools , Intelligence to reach your goals in the most creative ways.
S- Screen time off – These day’s we are always connected. The challenge is that, most of the people today do not get enough quality sleep. Research suggests that, Shutting down your computer, TV, Movies and smart phone at least 90 minutes before the sleep, would enhance the deep sleep and rewires the brain for next day’s challenges, this allows waking up with lot more freshness and enthusiasm.
The above evening habits can be remembered as ( Go/ to / Sleep ) or famous G S T( India’s biggest tax reform ). Personally, i am big fan of daily maximization,taking each day as a gift and working my best to reach my goals and objectives. These habits given me a sense of satisfaction, union with the higher power and coherence with the nature. I intend to breath every day with these habits to reap best fruits of my actions and work. I know beyond any doubt that , who ever follows these habits will be more peaceful, happier & connected with life always.
Day’s maximization is the divine call for each one of us, let’s make the most of each day we live on this Planet earth.