Have you ever seen those hoarder shows and thought how could a person live in that mess? What if you walked into a new home your buying and found the same or clutter everywhere? It wouldn’t appeal to you would it. It would turn you right off and you’d most likely feel uncomfortable.
If you intend selling your place, what do you see? Do you see things left out and not put in it’s own place? Are your indoor plants looking a little worse for wear? If you stood back as a buyer and walked into your place would you buy it?
The best solution for tidying up and decluttering is letting go emotionally. Stuff you don’t use can either go to charity or recycled for something else. Things that you need but don’t use often can be put into storage, in plastic tubs or appropriate boxes. If you’re not using things at all – toss them or sell them! Keep areas clean and tidy are a must when selling your home.
We can supply and arrange a consultation for your tidy up. If you need help with cleaning, a service provider package can help you get the job done. Stuff for storage can be put away in a specific area in your home or off site at a storage company location. What seems overwhelming can be arranged through professional services.
When a potential buyer walks in you want to capture their first impressions. People want to feel comfortable and clean in a clean house without visual chaos. People want to feel welcomed. Some flowers in a vase always appeals, so consider our styling and staging service to set the scene for your buyers and agents. You can’t go wrong having an appealing house.
If it’s a short stay property, then again, get us to give you some styling advice or a refresh consultation for an upgraded look. Don’t leave personal clutter in your home and get wise with leaving personal information around your living areas, especially if you live in the property.
Ready when you are to get your home in order! Contact me on 0468 345 199 for an assessment.
Originally published at undercontrolshortstay.com.au