We have all encountered or worked with that cranky boss who every time you sense his presence; you cannot help but start shaking. I understand I have been there before. It can be so draining. It is not one of the best spaces any employee would want to work in but because we have to put food on our tables, what option do we have?

You will agree with me bosses sometimes can exhibit mysterious mood swings more like our teething toddlers. In the morning he is this giddy charmer, mid-morning things start to change, and by afternoon he has turned out to be this angry bull barking and shouting at everyone he meets in the hallway. If your boss is the kind whose mood swings are more than that of a toddler, embrace yourself for a rough ride.

I understand the fact that this tantrum syndrome in toddlers is a development issue, but as human beings grow (this includes your boss), we tend to learn how to manage our emotions. It is quite an unfortunate thou that this fact remains an unfulfilled wish in our workplaces. Here are a few issues that can help you cope with that nagging boss and have a productive work life.

Don’t Let Your Boss’s Mood Swings Affect You

This is one thing I always tell my colleagues, never make an angry person change who you are, regardless. I know it is human to want to retaliate but refrain from that because either your boss is battling some emotional stuff and probably he needs help, or you might be putting your job at stake, so think about it before you make any irrational decision. Be a beacon of balance at your workplace. When your boss appears like he is going to shout at you, show him in a good mood that day and not ready for any fights. Lighten up his spirit, you can even use some distraction, and this might turn things around for that particular time.

Understand what is going on in your boss’s life.

Often than not, mood swings are caused by outside stress factors or other issues. It is possible that your boss is going through some personal responsibilities, family issues, financial pressures or even personality disorders. These factors can easily cause friction at workplaces. In return be aware of your emotional triggers because emotions can be contagious more so with such a boss.

If you have a trusting relationship with your boss, you can offer support. As you do this, remember to keep a healthy distance. As long as this doesn’t interfere with your work, go ahead and provide help. Sometimes this is all they need, but they do not know how to ask for it.

Get And Give Feedback From Your Boss.

If you have an opportunity to meet your boss physically, please do and choose an appropriate time. If you happen to meet and your boss asks whether there are any issues, politely tell him or her that certain behaviors such as lousy temper and yelling are affecting your performance. Do not point out his weaknesses, if you know them but rather generalize. It is possible that your boss might pretend not to remember anything and that is why every meeting has to be documented. This will help you in the future as an employee. It will be a point of referral. Also, let your boss know that you will appreciate if any feedback on about your work be done in private and not in front of your fellow employees.

Always Listen

Unfortunately, when your boss’s emotions are all up in the air, there is always a point he or she is trying to put across. In most cases, it is just criticism, but there is an action point being emphasized. I know it is wrong for them to address you this way, but as an employee, at this time all you need to do is listen. Do not talk back. Just listen. If you dare interrupt, switch off or even make certain assumptions, then your communication has broken down. Later when you have to approach your boss and ask some clarifications, he may become moodier. So to avoid all this, listen and when you want to ask questions do so later when he has cooled down.

Say No To Future Bad Bosses.

The next thing any employee doesn’t want is to work with a moody boss, but I have a remedy for this. Do your research, do not stop at just being interviewed, and go ahead of yourself to make sure you are not getting into another trap of working with another less than ideal boss again. Have lunch or coffee with one of the employees, remember your purpose is to find out as much information about your potential boss, but of course do not come off as creepy. He or she might smell a rat.

 Parting Shot.

Always remember work is two-way traffic. It cannot always be about your boss. Somehow as an employee, you also have a role to play. Whereas it is essential to learn tips on how to manage moody bosses, it is also essential to evaluate ourselves and our work ethics. Are you productive at your workplace? Are you de; delivering as expected? Are you arriving in office past 9 a.m.? Is your behavior lacking? A self-evaluation will go a long way to making sure you have a good working relationship with not only bosses but your fellow employees as well.