There is no end to people’s thoughts and there is no height or a stoppage limit to their imagination.

Nowadays, in our world we live in, after achieving years of Independence, there is found a huge amount of freedom in most people’s thoughts. But there are some people residing in the time of today who enjoys shaping their own thoughts and emerging opinions with regard to other people’s choices, and their followed customs, which people believe in norms to be followed.

The thing which cannot be understood is that in today’s world where people are going along with emerging trends and fashion, indeed they are following them in order to get praised and recognized in between popular ones. Most of the people forget to keep space in their thoughts. Now it’s time not only to enhance oneself with modern cultures and traditional norms but also to making our senses viable to respect to our opinions and thoughts and not moulding them so that they somehow became favourable with viewpoints of other people.

The thing is perfectly true without a doubt, that people make their choices and take decisions from the experiences they gain which prove to be the learning mode for them. Intelligent and rational decision making helps to improve confidence with time along with bringing in positive vibes shaping our personality and attitude which helps to deal with different types of people not taking up merely assumptions.

In some cases, people try to make their space by supporting null and invalid arguments or talks which don’t have any kind of realistic approach just by putting a ‘yes’ vote in to famous people’s poll. That to they do it blindly in order to keep themselves safe from other prolonged discussions. Well, it is not important or necessary to obtain a positive reaction from all for our decision made or going to be made. Everyone has their own developed mindset, they have their own perception towards different things and some have their different processing capability to process certain information given by others. For some a given piece of information is absolutely null and void, and while the same information could be useful and beneficial for other.

The most difficult it becomes for the people with a sincere mind, carrying humbleness in everything they do in the order it is beneficial for them as well as for society. People specially in case of womens, carrying clear mind and heart and sees the surroundings and the world with keeping same perception on an equal basis, could become somehow strenuous to deal with anxiety and people who could lay a huge impact in the lives who tries to bring in negative thoughts in order to satisfy their urge to jealously. There are ways to deal with it :

1. Respecting your thoughts, whatever is coming into mind is what information is being processed through the environment, disregarding what others will react on it. Your thoughts are simply ‘yours’.

2. Don’t be over anxious or nervous in putting your thoughts in front of your people. It would promote a sense of self confidence.

3. Keeping your mindset broader, inviting different types and kind of thoughts being discussed with different people, not in order to criticize or devalue others opinions but to take a mere snapshot of person’s thinking process that what is his/her mindset is fording towards which stream. Which further helps you decide what kind of views they share and whether to keep a safe distance from them or not, specially if they could try to manipulate your children. Because you have seen for your child what kind of things, he/she learns as ‘home’ is yours child’s first school or where the place where his/her learning starts from.

4. Don’t try to over think or pressurize your mind when someone says stupid things in order to criticize you or want to bring your down.

5. Keeping your mind clear, sharp and intelligent which thinks every rational thought connected with having a realistic approach, so that it helps to make out easily which person is exaggerating or trying the shape a favourable opinion to take out your agreeness towards it or it is really related to your well-being.

So It’s your Life, make the best out of it. Don’t let others thought and yours own stop you in way. Being positive is in.


  • Shaima Khan

    Founder Of Artizone Information, who has interest in content creation and managing web analytics

    Artizone Information

    Shaima Khan is an MBA aspirant, a Content Creator and Writer, who is by nature a curious knowledge seeker, an avid reader, who writes simply for her inner joy and is more keen towards gathering every interesting part of knowledge. And because of her ever increasing craze for research technology, marketing, career and social development led her to be - Founder of "Artizone" (Information makes life simple)