If I could step into a time machine and travel back to a year ago, here’s the conversation I would have with myself:

Aah, 2020! Would this be a year like any other or another milestone year like 2017 or 2010 in my personal history?

Remember, any year that is full of life changes always has the seeds of changes you can choose too.

Based on hurricanes, near-death experiences, and losing your mind, you already know that there are years where life throws the oddest curveballs your way. But you’ve already developed the resilience to bounce back and jump back more quickly from life’s events. Because now you know, it’s not the events themselves that matter, but how you move forward.

This year may have had many interesting twists and turns – from your multiple family job losses, business closure, a cross-country move, moving in with parents for a few months, day-care closure, park closures, isolating from parents, and dramatic career changes.

Yes, in many ways no part of day-to-day life looks the same as it once did.

However, you always have a choice to not drown in the fear. To choose to look it in the face, say I see you fear monster, and I’m going to continue living my truth.
Even with all the changes, the truly important things are still the same. Space for family, for friends. For good food, for outdoor hikes and trips to the beach.

Sometimes the most unexpected life turns, like a global pandemic, can clear the space for new dreams.

Those years with your children, those are the ones that are the most precious in the world. The time with family. Its not always the geographical promixity that matters, but closeness of the heart.

Just remember, thrive, love, impact. You can do this, stay true to your core values, and you will move forward, one moment at a time.
